Sorry if this is duplicating any other similar threads however i'm having some bother and thought it would be useful to start a topic.

I pulled my left calf last night running uphill on pavement. It was very mild at first and, stupidly, instead of stopping immediately, I continued for another short while before throwing in the towel.

By the time I got home it was very painful and stairs could only be negotiated by keeping the leg as straight as possible and virtually walking on my heel.

I've only started running about 6 weeks ago and have had similar twinges before.

It always seems to be when I try to get up on my toes and up the speed. So, one option is don't get up on the toes and don't try to go fast! However I used to play football and never once had a calf problem so it's a bit puzzling. Can run slower and more flat-footed no problem however I was trying to use a softer landing to prevent joint pain and improve my form by keeping on the ball of the foot/toes.

Right calf also feels a bit tight as well now.

Am going to visit a physio in Glasgow. Have heard good things about Achilles Heel.

What's the point in posting this? Well, I suppose i'm saying DON'T TRY AND RUN CALF TWINGES OFF!! lol! I reckon if i'd stopped immediately it would be ok today.

Secondly, does this resonate with other runners here? Obviously over-stretching my calf so do I just accept that i'll always be a plodder or can the flexibility of the muscle be improved so I don't get bother in future when trying to up the intensity. Have been stretching the calves every day because i've been conscious of the earlier twinges but maybe not enough it seems.