Quote Originally Posted by Pinno View Post
I also did this race and didn't do myself justice. still struggling on the uphill climbs found it much tougher than the Druid. got up some good momentum on the downhill sections but need to improve a lot. The bracken and nettles posed a big problem in places tonight.
Don't despair Pinno, if you're good at & enjoy descending you can always work on your climbing.

Jimbob, were you the despondent looking Wrecsam Tri runner at the finish? I don't envy the trudge you would've had to make back up to the start. Wrecsam Tri are a top club btw, I've just joined them for the roads & XC.

Thoroughly enjoyed my run out & I was impressed to spy Swiss Toni break into a jog while I was doing my warm-down.