Here is a short summary of this year's attempts and successes. Note that these figures are based on the registered attempts so if someone makes several attempts it is only seen as one attempt. The ratification spreadsheet now contains a field asking for the number of previous attempts so this information will be available for subsequent years.

  • There were 147 registrations (19 ladies) with 65 successful rounds (8 ladies).
  • There were 63 (8 ladies) successful clockwise rounds out of 130 attempts and 2 successful anticlockwise rounds out of 17 attempts (0 ladies).
  • Fastest times were 19:25 for the men and 21:58 for the ladies.
  • The average age of successful contenders was 39yrs 11months. (This may be slightly low as a few didn't supply their age)
  • The age of successful contenders ranged from 24 to 56.

Month Successes
April 1
May 7
June 34
July 17
August 4
September 2

The poor weather early in the year led to a high failure rate. Things picked up in mid May and most successes were from late May to mid July with only a few successes later in the season despite the generally good weather.

The last successful round of the year was Jim Mann's (Member #1617) winter round in just 18hrs18. Jim already held the fastest time (due to the variability in conditions we talk of "fastest time" rather than record) but this takes over two hours off that time and is the first winter round under 20hrs.

The document showing the list of members has been updated and is now available for download from this page -