It's only a month to this year's TTT weekend of fell races - a week later than our normal weekend thanks to a bike race in the area!

The Wharfedale TTT is a weekend racing ‘extragavanza’ for the whole family held in the lovely Yorkshire Dales village of Kettlewell in Wharfedale, North Yorkshire.

The first race on the Friday evening is a short, mainly uphill, road race. The Saturday will be ‘A’ medium with navigational skill required and the weekend will culminate with a marked ‘A’ short straight up and down affair.
Facilities include a field where a tent can be pitched (at a small charge) together with directions to three nearby public houses. Toilets, showers and refreshments are also available.

The main prizes will be given on a cumulative basis with a Grand Prix Prize awarded to THE CHAMP who does best over the three races. There will be smaller awards to the winners of each individual event.

In 2014 the TTT Sunday race will also be an English Junior Fell Running Championship counter. There will be races for all age categories from Under 8 to Under 18 and seniors will run in the same race as the U16 and U18 athletes over a brand new course.

This year, the Under 12 to Under 18 races will also be used as the Yorkshire Junior Championships.

Entry forms are available here: