Hello everyone.
I am interested in what the forum thinks of Russell Brand. I am sick of him personally, he seems to clog up the media these days with his mindless leftwing babble. I am amazed that hippy types are taken in by him, even though I think a lot of them are a sandwich short of a picnic. If he wants a revolution, why doesn't he go for it? He's happy helping out a few mums (probably MILFs) who fawn all over him, and his mate 'Dave' or whatever who works for the fire service, to make him look more like a man of the people, but at the end of the day he's an attention seeking tight- trousered fop who thinks he has ideas but cannot structure his them to make them seem doable. I hate his beard and his hair and his long pointed shoes.
He got his legs smacked recently when he appeared on Newsnight, when Farage looked good I must say. I like the cut of Farage's jib. He has some really interesting points.