Back on the Arkose on a cold day but with a beautiful blue sky and sunshine. Down into Bakewell then on to Stoney Middleton and Eyam before the climb up to todays TP at Sir William Hill. The last half mile on the bridleway was fun on fresh overnight snow which gave the cyclokings a good grip which could not have been said about the grip on my cycling boots for the last 100 yds on foot.

Along Eyam Edge to the Barrel and down to Great Hucklow, Foolow over the scratter to Monsal Head, Great Longstone, Ashford and up Crow Lane home. A total of 25 miles and 2,533feet in 2hrs 5 min.

No other cyclist seen and I wondered, again, as to whether I should be out. However I saw dozens of cars at "beauty spots" obviously people who deemed the drive an essential journey to be able to take exercise. At least I was doing it under my own steam, I thought, which made any guilt disappear.

And anyway, why would the Government allow cycle shops to stay open for sales and service if they did not want us to cycle!