I also had an encounter with mud on a route that was new to me today, although I was on my bike. I found a new cycle path and bridleway round the back of the "East Midlands Gateway" logistics hub. These were fine, but eventually I ended up on the Airport perimeter path. Seeing two mud-splattered cyclists coming towards me before I had even got onto the path didn't preventing me stubbornly pressing on. Anyway, on a touring bike with 32mm tyres, I was soon walking.

More excitement later on the ride. Cycling through Belton, a very elderly lady standing outside her house asked me to stop and help her. Something about being locked out - except that she then went to her door and opened it and went in. She asked me to go to the neighbour for help, which I did, but the neighbour was out. To cut a long story short, I was rescued after about 10-15 minutes by another villager who seemed to know the lady.