I don't know if this topic has been discussed before but what are your views on refueling during long runs/races?

For my last couple of long distance races (>20 miles) I took on lots of carbs during training runs. Typically I'd start with jelly babies, then a banana, have a sports drink to wash it down and top off later with a Mars bar as special treat for dessert. All ate while running. Then on the day I ate similar (though I hated the sight of those little jelly kids by the end).

In am wondering whether this is a good or bad habit.

I understand you need to refuel for long distances, else as fit as you may be you just run out of energy.

On the other hand, if you get into the habit of taking on all this sugar along the way you become dependant on it to go the course. You have to carry it and will your body learn how to burn fat if you go wussy and keep feeding it sugar every half hour or so?

So is best to avoid jelly babies etc. during training unless you really need them? Or is it too late once you feel you need carbs?

Views welcomed ...