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Thread: BGR route up Scafell

  1. #1
    Master Bob's Avatar
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    Darkest eckythumpland

    BGR route up Scafell

    I am supporting an anti-clockwise attempt on the BGR this year and have the pleasure of Leg 3 - Wasdale to Dunmail.

    However I have realised that I have never done the Wasdale to Scafell bit of the route in an anti-clockwise direction - I've done most of the rest of the route in both directions - so even though I have the Corpse Road then right-hand gully line in the notes on my website, I've not actually done that bit.

    So if you have done the BGR or supported this bit anti-clockwise, what is the best line to get up onto Green How and the top of Rakehead Crag?


  2. #2

    Re: BGR route up Scafell

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob View Post
    I am supporting an anti-clockwise attempt on the BGR this year and have the pleasure of Leg 3 - Wasdale to Dunmail.

    However I have realised that I have never done the Wasdale to Scafell bit of the route in an anti-clockwise direction - I've done most of the rest of the route in both directions - so even though I have the Corpse Road then right-hand gully line in the notes on my website, I've not actually done that bit.

    So if you have done the BGR or supported this bit anti-clockwise, what is the best line to get up onto Green How and the top of Rakehead Crag?

    I prefer a line in between the gully and corpse roadup rakehead crag, its horrible in descent but great for going up.
    I follow path past brackenclose then just before the bridge go to the right after a zigzag in the path head straight up, its nice and direct. You could also get on to it by going via the lingmell gill path before heading straight up, but I've only came down that way.

    Try this link to maps live then click on arial view!103


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: BGR route up Scafell

    I prefer this way up - a path all the way and nowhere too steep. It is also my favourite way down although the gully is a very close second.

  4. #4

    Re: BGR route up Scafell

    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    I prefer this way up - a path all the way and nowhere too steep. It is also my favourite way down although the gully is a very close second.
    I like steep


  5. #5
    Senior Member Full Moon Addict's Avatar
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    Re: BGR route up Scafell

    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    I prefer this way up - a path all the way and nowhere too steep. It is also my favourite way down although the gully is a very close second.

    thats the route i've always taken. its quick but a real slog. keep talking to your contender, Bob. Its a long trudge up this way

  6. #6
    Master Bob's Avatar
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    Re: BGR route up Scafell

    Those were the two routes that I had in mind - I descended the rocky gully way (the northern one) in training and discounted it for my actual round. I descended the grassy gully (the southern one from Chas) on my actual round and struggled with it, though to be honest I'd have struggled with descending anything at that point.

    I'll see what the contender wants to do. Thanks for the links.


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