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Thread: I struggle with recovery!

  1. #1
    Master Al Fowler's Avatar
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    Preston, Lancashire

    I struggle with recovery!

    If i got for a run over about 8 miles or so, the next day my legs will be as stiff as hell and they will continue to be so for quite a few days afterwards, preventing me going for runs.

    I stretch after my runs and i generally run at a constant pace (not out-doing myself) so im doing all i can to help them recover.
    I have a bath with muscle soak after my runs and have a electrolite drink when i get back. And i generally have something decent to eat.

    Im a young fit lad of 18 and this shouldnt be happening to me.

    Ive heard that taking protein drinks help recovery, and even compression socks to be worn the next day after your run.

    Can anybody help me here, because im trying to run every other day and run over 20 miles a week minumum and at the moment my recovery is preventing this!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
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    Re: I struggle with recovery!

    Quote Originally Posted by Al Fowler View Post
    If i got for a run over about 8 miles or so, the next day my legs will be as stiff as hell and they will continue to be so for quite a few days afterwards, preventing me going for runs.

    I stretch after my runs and i generally run at a constant pace (not out-doing myself) so im doing all i can to help them recover.
    I have a bath with muscle soak after my runs and have a electrolite drink when i get back. And i generally have something decent to eat.

    Im a young fit lad of 18 and this shouldnt be happening to me.

    Ive heard that taking protein drinks help recovery, and even compression socks to be worn the next day after your run.

    Can anybody help me here, because im trying to run every other day and run over 20 miles a week minumum and at the moment my recovery is preventing this!
    I wonder if this is a combination of your age Al i.e. the fact that you're young and probably still growing; and the fact you've not been running very long too?

    I find that a 3or4mile walk the day after a long run helps my recovery. It seems to free up stiff muscles and get things moving again better than resting

  3. #3
    Master Al Fowler's Avatar
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    Re: I struggle with recovery!

    Quote Originally Posted by Derby Tup View Post
    I wonder if this is a combination of your age Al i.e. the fact that you're young and probably still growing; and the fact you've not been running very long too?
    Well when i did take up running i was prone to injuries all over my legs and joints but touch wood ive past the beginners injuries.

    But ive been running for 8 months now so my legs should be recovering by now.

    Often if my legs do feel rubbish and i go for a run, after about 10 minutes they often seem to clear. So maybe theres just lactic acid thats clogged up in my legs and once the bloods got flowwing when im running it clears it all.

    I think i may invest in some compression socks to wear in bed the night after a run and maybe even the day after.

  4. #4
    Master Ady In Accy's Avatar
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    Re: I struggle with recovery!

    Save your money and just run regularly and you won't get the same stiffness. For heavy back to back days consider PSP REGO after your run to aid recovery - I can feel the difference when using on cycle camps.

  5. #5
    Master Al Fowler's Avatar
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    Re: I struggle with recovery!

    Ta Ady!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: I struggle with recovery!

    High 5 protein recovery is just as good but cheaper.

    Just keep up the milage Al and your body will get to understand whats going on and sort it out.

    I assume your runs are off road on fell or undulating trails.
    I used to suffer on roads from stiffness to then discovered the fells and I'm 46

  7. #7
    Grandmaster IanDarkpeak's Avatar
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    Re: I struggle with recovery!

    Are you warming down properly and stretching? . that should help also.

  8. #8
    Grandmaster + stevefoster's Avatar
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    Re: I struggle with recovery!

    Like Ady says run regulary, or as Derby Tup says go for a walk. Keep moving to flush the lactic acid and waste products, built up by exercise, away. Drink plenty (not alcohol) to keep hydrated and eat sensibly. Try cycling in between your running days.
    But most of all don't get disheartened if you feel stiff and sore some days, it happens to the best of em, and me.
    Kids find it hilarious when i have to come down the stairs backwards on my hands and knees
    Oh, and try stretching before and after a run, warm up first then stretch, go easy on the stretching after a run.
    Don't forget, its trial and error to see what works best for yourself
    Hills and Guinness!

  9. #9
    Master Ady In Accy's Avatar
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    Re: I struggle with recovery!

    Quote Originally Posted by merrylegs View Post
    Drink plenty (not alcohol) to keep hydrated and eat sensibly. elf

  10. #10
    Grandmaster + stevefoster's Avatar
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    Re: I struggle with recovery!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagger View Post
    High 5 protein recovery is just as good but cheaper.

    Just keep up the milage Al and your body will get to understand whats going on and sort it out.

    I assume your runs are off road on fell or undulating trails.
    I used to suffer on roads from stiffness to then discovered the fells and I'm 46
    Quote Originally Posted by IanDarkpeak View Post
    Are you warming down properly and stretching? . that should help also.
    Hey Stagger, don't you get any stiffness since you discovered the fells
    Bet Mrs Stagger ain't happy
    You beat me down the stretch IDP
    Hills and Guinness!

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