Quote Originally Posted by Babble View Post
Can anybody give me a definitive answer about which teams I can run for in the Mary townley relay?
If I was asked to run for my triathlon club could I? Even though I normally run for my running club on the fells. I wouldn’t get in my running clubs’ team, but they are not happy about me running for anybody else and say that its' a first claim/second claim thing.
This issue must also affect the Fell Ponys. What do they do if they are a member of another club?
I’m thinking that it must effect all sorts of people. What about people like Mark Hartell etc running ultra marathons for Vasque, when they’re members of Macc Harriers?
Does everybody make there own rules up?
Well its your life, your money and your legs you'll be running on....so ignor your running club and go and do what you want to do.
I think im going to end up in your postion a few times - Im a member of the Preston Harriers but also a Pony.