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Thread: heart palpitations

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    The North East (England)

    Re: heart palpitations

    thanks forall the replies folks. i have an appointment with the docs on monday. Had another attack at dinner last night (although that may have been the quality of the company sat opposite, who knows?!)

    I ran (nervously) yesterday and was ok. Not feeling well running though and my breathing's got bad so perhaps it's virus. Suspect that working 16 hr days, living alone and having no income is not helping either.
    Damn, I can't do that today, I'm wearing the wrong pants.

  2. #22
    Senior Member
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    The North East (England)

    Re: heart palpitations

    [QUOTE=Deeko;190779]Oh yeah and I typically get them when I don't warm up enough. The sudden increase in effort can start it. I always make sure I run 1 - 2 miles before intervals. QUOTE]

    that's interesting - I got mine this week early on in speed sessions. Have been slack on speed this year and this was the first week I'd put the effort in.
    have had huge problems getting any speed for tha past month.
    Damn, I can't do that today, I'm wearing the wrong pants.

  3. #23

    Re: heart palpitations

    Quote Originally Posted by Persephone View Post
    I ran (nervously) yesterday and was ok. Not feeling well running though and my breathing's got bad so perhaps it's virus. Suspect that working 16 hr days, living alone and having no income is not helping either.

    Maybe reading that hunni, it could be you got abit of cabin fever, as in being on your own, can get a person anxious, but all the same you still should get it checked out.

    One of my sisters last year had a threble bypass, and she kept ignoring signs etc, before anyone shoots me down for mentioning this, everyone thinks about someone they know or have been through when someone mentions heart palpitations, and someone should mention that even if its adrenalin, if it makes you worried, then go see a quack and get it checked out!

  4. #24
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    Re: heart palpitations

    I saw the doctor (I don't do doctors!). All seems fine but off for an ECG (to find absolutely nothing I imagine!)...
    PB up from my normal though
    Damn, I can't do that today, I'm wearing the wrong pants.

  5. #25

    Re: heart palpitations

    Hmmm, even if your ECG is normal that does not exclude everything. If symptoms persist and you are getting rid of all the caffeine, stress points etc, etc and you are not post viral the next step would be a 24hr tape.(ECG I mean)

  6. #26
    Master Alf's Avatar
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    Re: heart palpitations

    Quote Originally Posted by Toffer View Post
    the next step would be a 24hr tape.(ECG I mean)
    I wore a 24hour one in similar circumstances about 20 years ago and it was useful in identifying periods when I thought I was having heart rhythm problems but in my case it was quite normal just my anxiety that I was having a problem!
    I am sure they are a bit more compact these days than when I wore that as the battery pack was a bit bulky as I recall. Never (touch wood!) had a reoccurance of problem though I have a prolapsed mitral valve which I have to watch if I get an infection as bacteria can gather there apparently.
    No country for old men.

  7. #27

    Re: heart palpitations

    Pers, i am really pleased you went and got it checked out. It could just be the weather as it is colder than its been in awhile, and you did say you have been working hard, maybe you have been drinking more caffeine, keep your eye on it, and i hope you feel better soon. xx

  8. #28
    Senior Member Duff's Avatar
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    Re: heart palpitations

    Really glad that the ECG was normal. A slight caution might be that a more meaningful investigation would replicate the circumstances of previous episodes.

    As Toffer suggests, the best way to do this may be a 24hr tape.

    Personally I’d press your GP for this (although I think the likelihood is they’ll have to refer you to a hospital cardiology dept.). If you’re getting yourself checked out, you may as well go the whole hog.

    Also, it might be worth keeping note of when this happens to try and identify any common/recurring factors.

  9. #29
    Senior Member
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    Re: heart palpitations

    Hello folks,
    Has anyone's doctor muttered about thyroid problems at all? Just had blood tests done for poss thyroid stuff and am having 24hr ecg doobery too.
    Seems silly as I'm feeling pretty healthy at the moment (apart from the stone of extra weight I'm hauling around )
    Damn, I can't do that today, I'm wearing the wrong pants.

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