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Thread: Aggggghhhhhh Wisdom Teeth!!!!

  1. #1
    Master Al Fowler's Avatar
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    Preston, Lancashire

    Aggggghhhhhh Wisdom Teeth!!!!

    I dont know whats worse, growing pain or wisom teeth!!!!

    Had one breaking through for the past few months and these last few days it seems to have found a knife and keeps attacking my gums.

    Eating has become like a way of tortue recently as well

  2. #2
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Re: Aggggghhhhhh Wisdom Teeth!

    Comiserations, i'm 30 and i think i've still not got them, either that or they didn't hurt.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  3. #3
    Senior Member ratfink's Avatar
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    Re: Aggggghhhhhh Wisdom Teeth!


    as one of my wisdom teeth was coming through the gum got infected and i needed antibiotics to sort it (it might be worth checking, i could tell i had some kind of infection cos my whole body felt ill - like when you have tonsillitis)

  4. #4

    Re: Aggggghhhhhh Wisdom Teeth!

    Al, I still get jip from one and I'm 38!

    as home-remedies, I can recommend rinsing mouth out with warm salty water three times a day: tastes bloody horrible, but works

    Corsodyl mouthwash can help too, and ibuprofen for the pain

    they really are absolute b * stards wisdom teeth, good for nowt: get 'em seen to as soon as you can!

  5. #5
    Master Al Fowler's Avatar
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    Preston, Lancashire

    Re: Aggggghhhhhh Wisdom Teeth!

    Well i had my 6month checkup at the dentish a couple of weeks ago and he said it looks ok and ive just got to make sure i clean it thoroughly.

    Easier said that done when all the lose skin that the tooth is cutting through is so tended and it constantly finds its way to get crunched between my teeth everytime my jaw moves.

    Eating is hell though! I had to abandon my crunchy nut cornflakes this morning and go for a banana and two yorghurts - made a nice change though.

  6. #6
    Master OneHillWonder's Avatar
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    Re: Aggggghhhhhh Wisdom Teeth!

    Ratfink I had the same thing with mine & still get one painful one every couple of years

    Hope it passes soon Al

  7. #7
    Master karen nash's Avatar
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    Re: Aggggghhhhhh Wisdom Teeth!

    Al I had mine out at about your age as they kept growing through and then the gums grew over again.
    You could try washing mouth with salt water mix it did the job with healing when I had mine out- no way I would put a brush near them just then. You have to blast it around your mouth a bit and don't swallow
    but it does work

  8. #8
    Member piratescode's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Re: Aggggghhhhhh Wisdom Teeth!

    sorry to add more doom and gloom, but I had a painful wisdom tooth, went to the dentist who pulled the tooth out there and then (the bottom ones come out easilt, and I think you have to go for a general anaesthetic for the top ones).... antibiotics for a week and everything was sorted. My worry is that I have 3 more just waiting to happen..... damn it

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