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Thread: One 'must-do' weekly session..

  1. #1
    Master plodding bear's Avatar
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    Sunny Silsden, West Yorks

    One 'must-do' weekly session..

    Hi all, if you had to pick just one session to do as a kick-start to getting hill fit, what would it be?
    Hill reps, i.e X5 up and down a longish hill (about 3 minutes' worth);
    A long, slow run on flattish but uneven terrain;
    A shorter but undulating moorland effort, say 4 - 5 miles.
    This is just a session I'm looking for to kick-start my running, I'm intending to do it just for a couple of weeks, about three times a week, to try and get back on track, before including the other general running stuff.
    Or am I just being daft?

  2. #2
    Senior Member ratfink's Avatar
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    Re: One 'must-do' weekly sessi

    i def no expert - but you say you're going to train 3 times a week, and describe three different runs

    are you going to each run once a week?

    i would say if you are just starting out/coming back then do every thing a bit steadier/slower for a few weeks. so if you do hills not as lung bursting efforts (yet) even if this means walking, likewise the shorter run (which will prob become faster over time) start of steady, and your long run gradually build up the distance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.

    Re: One 'must-do' weekly sessi

    [quote=plodding bear;276554]Hi all, if you had to pick just one session to do as a kick-start to getting hill fit, what would it be?
    Hill reps, i.e X5 up and down a longish hill (about 3 minutes' worth);
    A long, slow run on flattish but uneven terrain;
    A shorter but undulating moorland effort, say 4 - 5 miles.
    This is just a session I'm looking for to kick-start my running, I'm intending to do it just for a couple of weeks, about three times a week, to try and get back on track, before including the other general running stuff.
    Or am I just being daft?[/quote]

    Quite the opposite.

    You have listed 3 perfect sessions for a weekly routine.
    Follow your three and keep posting on here in "todays training"
    Select a local race next Feb / March over a distance of 5,6 or 7 mile as your traget.
    Pick your days such as Tu Thur Sat put a session on each day and stick to them like glue.

  4. #4
    Master plodding bear's Avatar
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    Sunny Silsden, West Yorks

    Re: One 'must-do' weekly sessi

    Cheers for the advice; what I was intending was to do ONE of those sessions only, three times in the week for a couple of weeks. I have been running for a while but find it hard to get into a regular routine due to shift work, overtime, family commitments, etc, and a recent bout of some bug or other left me feeling knackered for a coupla weeks or so.
    Hence the idea of kicking myself up the arse, so to speak, to try and get some fitness back quickly...

  5. #5
    Super Moderator
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    The Worth

    Re: One 'must-do' weekly sessi

    I'm with Stagger on this plodding b. The three sessions you listed sound ideal for a week's training. Again, I'm no expert but doing same thing over and over will make you stale and bored. Do you really fancy hill reps thrice weekly? Sounds like hell plus a good way of getting injured. Get over the bug and ease your way back

  6. #6
    Master plodding bear's Avatar
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    Sunny Silsden, West Yorks

    Re: One 'must-do' weekly sessi

    Aye, I must admit 3 hill rep sessions in a week doesn't sound too enticing really...
    ...maybe just a nice steady trot around the top of Ilkley moor tomorrow morning, eh?

  7. #7
    Super Moderator
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    Re: One 'must-do' weekly sessi

    Quote Originally Posted by plodding bear View Post
    Aye, I must admit 3 hill rep sessions in a week doesn't sound too enticing really...
    ...maybe just a nice steady trot around the top of Ilkley moor tomorrow morning, eh?
    I know I mentioned it before but you could do worse than join Keighley and Craven, or Wharfedale for that matter. Both good local clubs for training and the social side
    Poacher turned game-keeper

  8. #8
    Master Harry H Howgill's Avatar
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    Re: One 'must-do' weekly sessi

    Sorry to sound snappy, but just get out there and bloody run. If you want to get better at hills, run up hills. If you want to get better at longer distances, run further. If you want to go quicker, run faster. I've tried all sorts over the years, but at the end of the day it is just running. Something we've evolved to find pretty natural. 95% of training should be just that. Most of us (me included) aren't good enough to warrant worrying too much about the technicalities of different training techniques. So just get out there, run, and see what works for you.

    I would also recommend looking at "the competitive runner's handbook". You wont find better advice.
    Fitness can't be stored. It must be earned over and over, indefinitely.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: One 'must-do' weekly sessi

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry H Howgill View Post
    Sorry to sound snappy, but just get out there and bloody run. If you want to get better at hills, run up hills. If you want to get better at longer distances, run further. If you want to go quicker, run faster. I've tried all sorts over the years, but at the end of the day it is just running. Something we've evolved to find pretty natural. 95% of training should be just that. Most of us (me included) aren't good enough to warrant worrying too much about the technicalities of different training techniques. So just get out there, run, and see what works for you.

    I would also recommend looking at "the competitive runner's handbook". You wont find better advice.
    Yeah but your incredible
    Id second that though
    Trying to plod up hills every day slightly faster than the day before

  10. #10
    Master plodding bear's Avatar
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    Sunny Silsden, West Yorks

    Re: One 'must-do' weekly sessi

    Well, that's my arse spanked!
    I'll get out there now, Harry...

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