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Thread: Alcohol & Running

  1. #61
    Master Brotherton Lad's Avatar
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    daarn sarf

    Re: Alcohol & Running

    Well, out to dinner at the RSM's last night. An Argyll - Regimental motto: You can always tell an Argyll, but you can't tell him much.

    I was very well behaved, just 4 pints of Old Speckled Hen, no wine, no port, no whisky, no cigar. Didn't leave the table till well after midnight.

    Ran the Blubberhouses 25 this morning. Late night and ever so slight hangover with unfortunate rear end consequences for those behind me meant that I took the first hour more steadily than normal. Then hit my stride and the 'sweet spot' lasted from there right through to the finish. Came 3rd.

    Quod erat demonstrandum!
    Last edited by Brotherton Lad; 28-03-2010 at 05:18 PM.

  2. #62
    Master Alexandra's Avatar
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    Re: Alcohol & Running

    Quote Originally Posted by Brotherton Lad View Post
    Ran the Blubberhouses 25 this morning. Came 3rd.
    Wow! Well done!!! I shall look at the results with interest and admiration.
    Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.

  3. #63
    Senior Member goldsim1963's Avatar
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    Re: Alcohol & Running

    Agree with Alexandra.... well done indeed. I am now beginning to realise that I have not been drinking enough beer before my runs! Perhaps "runs" is the operative word?
    Cheers and well done again

  4. #64
    Master Brotherton Lad's Avatar
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    daarn sarf

    Re: Alcohol & Running

    Thanks, really enjoyable day, though rather windy!
    Be careful, though, goldsim, you have to build up the beer training load gradually. I started as a junior in 1974, had a couple of over-training episodes at university and didn't really hit my stride until the late 80s/early 90s. It's been a doddle since then though and I make sure I train every day. I especially enjoy the downhill sessions.
    Currently on a home-made best bitter, dry hopped with East Kent Goldings.

  5. #65

    Re: Alcohol & Running

    Old Crown Round - Traditionally you got a free pint in the pub after your first completion, but there was an organised event around it last year where they had samples of each beer on the respective peaks.
    My view on drinking and running is a little jaded. Saunders some years ago, two very hot days with an overnight camp at Glenridding. 12th in our class at the overnight camp, dropped to sixty something the following day with no nav errors - just had to blame the proximity to the pub and the effects of not really very much beer on two dehydrated bodies!

  6. #66
    Master MorganW's Avatar
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    Re: Alcohol & Running

    Quote Originally Posted by ZootHornRollo View Post
    and I've got to admit I was always a bit disappointed that Joss is a Guinness man, when he has the Great Gable brewery on his doorstep ....
    The brewery is a relatively recent addition to Wasdale Head (very recent in Joss' timescale). It certainly wasn't there in his heyday in the 70s.

    The printed word, such as it is from Joss, shows that as much Mackeson as Guinness was consumed.

    And if you read "Joss Naylor Was Here" about the Wainwrights Round, there is plenty of both involved.............but not on the move I recall.
    The only one who can tell you "You can't" is you. And you don't have to listen.

  7. #67
    Senior Member DaveSwift's Avatar
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    Re: Alcohol & Running

    I gave up a life of drink & debauchery for cycling and later running, it was a worth while swap.

    I'm not against drinking but there is enough evidence around to prove the harm it can do when used to excess. If i drink more than 3 pints it certainly makes me feel rough the following day and losing a day through alcohol is a waste of my time. It also makes for a cheap night out.

    However - if people wish to drink copious amounts of alcohol, your choice.

  8. #68

    Re: Alcohol & Running

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSwift View Post
    I gave up a life of drink & debauchery for cycling and later running, it was a worth while swap.
    I did exactly the same, except I still drink, but a lot less, and now Real Ale, not gassed up lager crap, or anything from a keg really.

    Cut from 7 days binge drinking to 1 night a week.

    Deffo agree, a worth while swap, but also glad to have lived the life of 24/7 debauchery

  9. #69
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Re: Alcohol & Running

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSwift View Post
    However - if people wish to drink copious amounts of alcohol, your choice.
    Off topic i know, but i resent the drain on public services binge drinking creates and the fact it creates heavy handed fascist coppers.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

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