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Thread: Can I break the curse?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Flopsy's Avatar
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    Can I break the curse?

    Basically I've been cursed for last 4-5 years.

    Was pretty fit and then one thing after another has happened. Illness and 9 operations have thwarted my race entries (I've pulled out of more before the start than I've completed) and meant that my fitness has gradually reduced to pretty pathetic (well, for me).

    I thought it was coming to and end earlier this year when I had major surgery and then after recovery felt my whole quality of life had improved. Once given the all clear I was thrilled to start training again, ever hopeful, and slowly.

    Low and behold, one thing after another means I am now doing really long hours at work so I don't get much time to train anyway and now I can't shift this goddam cold and so I've had to stop training again completely.

    I just want to get back to what I love.

    Will it ever happen??

    Any tips on positive things I can do to break the cycle. I really am starting to wonder if I'll ever be able to fell run again. :thunbdown:

  2. #2
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Re: Can I break the curse?

    I've been there with my ITBS, constantly angry at how life seems to be working against me when all i want to do is get on with it. I haven't found a way of getting round the problems that get in the way of my running other than to just back off and wait which is infuriating and it seems like fate is laughing at you. Keep going flopsy, you're only doing the best you can.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  3. #3
    Master Brotherton Lad's Avatar
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    daarn sarf

    Re: Can I break the curse?

    Well, the cold is a short term thing. I seem to remember you're round Harrogate way and the doctor here is saying there's alot of it about at the moment.
    So, your problem is really the work hours. Is that a permanent change? Or is there a way of running to work, or drive or cycle one way and run back on alternate days? If it's too far, could you drive most of the way and park 2 or 3 miles from work?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Flopsy's Avatar
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    Re: Can I break the curse?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brotherton Lad View Post
    Well, the cold is a short term thing. I seem to remember you're round Harrogate way and the doctor here is saying there's alot of it about at the moment.
    So, your problem is really the work hours. Is that a permanent change? Or is there a way of running to work, or drive or cycle one way and run back on alternate days? If it's too far, could you drive most of the way and park 2 or 3 miles from work?
    Sadly I imported this one from Devon!! Been a couple of weeks now.

    I'm contracting at the moment so the change isn't permanent but it is a rolling contract that may go on for months. There is bugger all work about at the moment and so I am having to do a 126 mile round trip to Sheffiled every day, nearly all motorway and dual carriageway, so no chance of cycling or running any of the route. Although my working day isn't long the travel makes it long day. It adds 2.5 -3 hrs a day. Also to avoid the traffic I have to travel early in the day and so can't exercise first thing. I can exercise when I get back but I am exhausted by then (I'm still recovering from the major surgery and will be for months more). So before the cold I was doing it on the days I could but it was no longer regular.

    I know I'll get over this but like I said, once one thing ends something else happens. It's never ending. And it's starting to feel like it's my fault somehow. If that makes sense. Like I should be tougher and keep going despite all the ops and health problems. I'm so tired and tired of it all. But every time \I make progress I seem to get knocked back again.
    Last edited by Flopsy; 11-09-2010 at 09:37 AM.

  5. #5
    Master Brotherton Lad's Avatar
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    daarn sarf

    Re: Can I break the curse?

    Ah, I see. I'd say, what with the recovery from surgery, and that long commute, you may be over-doing things by training as well (hence the cold?).
    You can only do so much before things start to pile up and go wrong. The frustration that brings only adds to the torment. It's obviously not your fault.
    Is there some other interest or hobby you have (or something you've wanted to do but never got round to) that's less physically demanding, but just as rewarding?
    Then you could get over the cold, recover some more from the surgery, and hope the work side turns for the better.

    Seven years ago I was very ill in hospital (lost a stone and a half and I'm no fatty). I felt really fustrated on discharge and could barely walk a mile, but did about a week on a bike in the gym (20 mins only the first time), the following week I was jogging 1 or 2 miles (that felt really life affirming). By the 10 week point I was cracking ten miles on the road in 67 mins (12 mins of my best, but I really didn't care). So, the fitness can come back very quickly, but you have to be well enough to start training. That's well in all senses of the word.

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