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Thread: 'Flicking' Achilles?

  1. #1
    Master plodding bear's Avatar
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    Sunny Silsden, West Yorks

    'Flicking' Achilles?

    I'm just coming back into running, and I've consciously changed my running style to do so, It's going ok, but I've noticed that after a longer run I sonetimes wake up next day with the sensation of my achilles twitching, and it feels almost as if someone is gently flicking it. It wears off after a while but it isn't very pleasant while it lasts; is it just a case of making sure I stretch them properly and keep them nice and flexible? I've gone over to minimalist shoes and I know that it can overwork the achilles if you don't build gradually - I thought I WAS building gradually?!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: 'Flicking' Achilles?

    This sounds like "crepitus" - layers sliding over each other with inflammation between the layers - the layers in this case will be the tendon and the layer around it. If you hold the place where you feel the flicking you should feel a slight vibration as you flex and extend your foot. You need to reduce the time you spend in your new shoes as it is obviously upsetting your Achilles - it can take over a year to adapt to shoes with no heel lift, and I suspect some people will never get there.

  3. #3
    Master plodding bear's Avatar
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    Sunny Silsden, West Yorks

    Re: 'Flicking' Achilles?

    Cheers mike, will stretching help?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: 'Flicking' Achilles?

    Not by itself - if it was me I would continue stretching, including heel drops on the stairs, but more importantly really back off or if need be stop running in the minimalist shoes until the crepitus settles, and then ever so slowly build up again. If you have crepitus, you have done too much in the previous 24 - 48 hours. Too much might be as little as 10 minutes for some people.

  5. #5
    Master plodding bear's Avatar
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    Sunny Silsden, West Yorks

    Re: 'Flicking' Achilles?

    Yes, I think I did overdo it a bit yesterday but never mind, I can't do much for a day or two anyway now, due to work so that should help!

  6. #6
    Member jopari's Avatar
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    The Chevin

    Re: 'Flicking' Achilles?

    Hi, I have a similar sensation, again after wearing minimalist shoes and not warming up properly. But I also have soreness on outside of left achilles. Not a sharp pain but sore. Any advice on how long I should rest it and if I could do long term damage by running on it?

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