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Thread: Ironman Wales

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by (notsomuchofa)Fellrunner View Post
    It was a good race, I enjoyed most of it.

    I'm no expert/coach & realise that you have a mate who did it this year, but if I can help in any way just holler.
    Will do. Thanks

  2. #12
    Master (notsomuchofa)Fellrunner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tenby bound.
    Back in January I was injured, unmotivated & unable to give away my
    place for Ironman Wales. I slowly came to the conclusion that I could
    say goodbye to half my entry fee & accept the fact that my best
    triathlon days were behind me or I could suck it up, work on my
    injuries & build up my fitness.

    I chose the latter & although I promised myself that I would enjoy my
    training this time & jack any sessions if I wasn’t feeling it. I loved
    it all. I relished the turbo sessions, the fartlek runs, the long
    bikes & the log runs. Obviously swimming still sucked, but I felt
    myself getting fitter & stronger than I had for a couple of years as
    the weeks & months went by.

    So it was that I found myself on Tenby’s North Beach with Rob & Shauno
    having sneaked ahead of the parade that Tony found himself stuck in.
    After we had a brief warm-up - which consisted of Rob walking up to
    his knees before getting out, me having a wee swim & Shaun having a
    wee swim & then jumping around for a bit swinging his arms about like
    Rocky at the top of the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps – we said our
    good lucks & goodbyes before retreating into our own dark little
    worlds as we waited for the hooter.

    Due to the race starting a couple of hours before high tide & a
    noticeable easterly breeze the sea was the roughest I’ve swam in.
    Normally, even if conditions are bad you can reasonably expect to be
    able breath on one side, but it seemed to be a bit of a lottery as to
    whether you caught some air or a face full of sea. This also made for
    some interesting sighting problems. I remember approaching one of the
    buoys & glimpsing someone walking around it. Smart idea I thought, I
    can do that. As I got caught up in the melee at the buoy I decide to
    stand up & walk round. Imagine my surprise when I went straight under.
    At that exact moment it dawned on that I had spotted a lifeguard on
    his body board. What a plonker. I finally ran around the Australian
    exit, persuaded myself to do it all again & swam the 2nd lap into the
    ever quickening, incoming tide. Eventually I dragged myself up the
    beach & after stopping a couple of times to hurl up some sea water I
    hoiked off my wetsuit, put on my trainers & ran the mile or so to T1
    through the crowd lined streets of Tenby. On my way to transition I
    was lucky enough to hear & spot Nicola. Having got through what I
    considered a reasonably tough swim I’ve got to admit I had a wee lump
    in my throat. Even hearing & seeing Bill Crawshaw - who was to keep
    popping up all over the place that day – did nothing to spoil that
    tender moment.

    Do We Have To Do That Again?


    Reasonably Happy With That.


    Swim:- 01:13:36, 34th in AG & 305th overall.

    T1 was fairly uneventful, but mindful of the fact that I’d be riding
    on my saddle-sore riddled ass for a few hours I allowed myself the
    luxury of some extra Sudocream & bib-shorts, hoping that by the time I
    finished the bike my under carriage would not feel like it had been
    hung over hot coals.

    T1:- 10:38
    I've just decided I don't trust you anymore.

  3. #13
    Master (notsomuchofa)Fellrunner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tenby bound.
    The bike course was pretty much as I expected, hilly & long. I clocked
    it at 180km & 2800mtrs, so it was nothing we haven’t got in North
    Wales & none of the gradients were surprising. Some of the descents
    were a bit technical & sand on the road made for some sketchy moments.
    I saw a couple of nasty offs which made me sit up & caw canny if I
    couldn’t spot the exit of a bend. The thing I was completely
    unprepared for was the amount of support & noise on the road. Whole
    towns were going mad, families were having BBQ’s on the roadside & at
    isolated houses people were sat in deck chairs wrapped in blankets
    banging away at pots & pans with wooden spoons. Those South Walians
    are loopy. It was brilliant, outstanding.

    Bike:- 06:08:19, 18th in AG & 157th overall.

    As I left T2 on my way onto the run course I once again heard &
    spotted Nicola & managed to pop over for a sneaky wee kiss before
    starting the first of my 4 laps.

    T2:- 04:20

    I was already aware that my legs were telling me that I had hit the
    bike course a bit too hard, but despite this I was passing people for
    fun & appreciating the crowds which were barmy throughout & 3 to 4
    deep at many places. The best (only??) good thing about lapped courses
    with plenty of doglegs is that I got ample opportunity to see Tony,
    Rob & Shaun for a bit of playful banter & motivational advice ;-) .
    All things considered I felt pretty chipper until about halfway round
    the 3rd lap. My quads were starting to die, my vision was tunnelling
    in & out & when Rob asked me how many laps I’d done I had little or no
    idea. I could simply have counted the bands on my arms. I was
    knackered & completely bewildered that my body had so completely let
    me down. My Garmin shows that I walked for a lonely 6km before I
    finally remembered that Nicola had palmed over 6 ProPlus to me during
    that sneaky wee kiss as I left T2. I washed them down with Red Bull &
    waited to see if this gave me wings. I coaxed my legs into life. Run 3
    strides/ walk 3 steps, run 5 strides/ walk 5 steps, run 10 strides…..I
    eventually got running smoothly again & finished the final 5km
    strongly. Nicola handed me the Saltire as I passed her for the last
    time & I headed to the finish with some sort of a grotesque parody of
    a smile on my face.

    Happy Times.


    The "Dark Period" or "Who Stole My Sweets".


    The Finishing Carpet.


    Run:- 03:56:43, 16th in AG & 134th overall.

    Total Time:-11:33:36

    Still Wired On Caffeine


    It’s customary to say a few words of thanks at the end of a report &
    I’d like to take this chance to mention Mark & Christine at Absolute
    Cycles for my bike fit & tune-up, all the boys & girls on Wrecsam
    Tri’s Strava site for keeping me on my toes, Ollie & Steve for putting
    up with my whinges at swimming, but most of all my long suffering
    family without whose support I couldn’t walk around in lycra.
    I've just decided I don't trust you anymore.

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