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Thread: "It's OK, He won't bite"

  1. #11
    Senior Member idler's Avatar
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    "He just wants to say hello"

    I was once mountain biking in the woods at night and a lot of barking came bounding and gnashing out of the dark towards me. I just about got off the bike and got it between me and the monster Alsatian before its jaws closed around the (spiked) pedals just as its owner dived in with a rugby tackle. That one wasn't saying hello.

  2. #12
    Senior Member superflyguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by William Clough View Post
    99.9% of dog owners call their dog to heel, even the most dopey looking mutts and I always make a point of thanking them.
    as do I . MOST are fine but it's that stoopid minority that give the rest a bad name. Usually the type that shouldn't be allowed to have kids either!

    After having to leap over an owners lead that was stretched all the way across a 10ft track my rather sarcastic "Thank you very much" was met with "You don't own the bloody road!'. Oh the irony...
    Adam Speed

  3. #13
    Senior Member superflyguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stumpy View Post
    "He's never done that before"....
    ........they said after the dog which was bred/evolved to be a hunter mauled a baby to death
    Adam Speed

  4. #14
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Ah, a dog thread.

    Ah, a dog thread.



    Hell of an echo in here!

    Hell of an echo in here!
    Simon Blease

  5. #15
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    MY dog is brilliant. She sits when I tell her, whether it's a car, a bike or a runner. She knows there's a treat for being good. I do like the line, "It's because you're running!" You damn right I am!

    Print 5-6106.jpg

  6. #16
    Senior Member brummievet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by William Clough View Post
    99.9% of dog owners call their dog to heel, even the most dopey looking mutts and I always make a point of thanking them.
    I always make a point of thanking reasonable owners. I cannot stand badly behaved dogs and I've become less tolerant now I have a young daughter as I don't want big dogs leaping around her. I make a point of telling people now when a dog's behaviour upsets me when out running. It's great when they ask me who the hell I think I am telling them how to look after their mutt and I reply that I am a vet! Shuts a lot of them up. Fortunately bad dog owners are a minority, but you only remember the bad experiences. By the way, those extendable leads should be banned. They are a real danger to man and beast. I've had to repair numerous dogs who have run into the road when one of those leads have failed. I've seen a few with bad skin injuries when the lead has wrapped up around them. I've seen owners with injuries from them too and I'm fed up of tripping up over the bloody things on footpaths.

  7. #17
    Master sbrt's Avatar
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    How do you feel when a large dog runs at you? That is how dogs can feel when you run towards them and their owners. Just like us, it can put them into fight or flight mode. They may try to protcect themselves or their owners.

    I am not saying who is right or wrong, just please dont be too quick to judge.Dogs or runners.
    Last edited by sbrt; 18-10-2014 at 08:07 PM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Oh no Not this hoary old chestnut again no wonder the forum is failing to attract fresh contributors.

    As a runner I have been chased by dog`s, Cow`s Hoodie`s, P**s Artists,Cars ,Buses, Cyclists ,Kid`s, Goat`s, Geese, Rocks, (clumsy folk above) Snow (Small Avalanche) etc. etc.

    But do I give a toss No it`s just all a part of life's rich tapestry, and life is to short to go around getting hung up about something that gives a little adrenaline rush for a few seconds.

    Oh yes I own and run with a dog.

    Just my opinion, not looking to upset folk.
    Last edited by JohnK; 18-10-2014 at 08:51 PM.
    The older I get the Faster I was

  9. #19
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    My fantastic running partner a German Shepherd called Yan is nearly 10 now and has had to retire (against her will) I wimp off bad weather and don't try so hard without her. Now when I encounter other dog owners I tend to stop and just ask if the dog is ok with runners, it is no trouble.
    Last edited by Henry Porter; 18-10-2014 at 10:00 PM.
    Bleeding heart, pinko, liberal. (no safety pins)

  10. #20
    Master sbrt's Avatar
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    For all the- just kick him in the balls folk.This is what you may have to do if the dog bites back. The dog will not be compliant like the one shown. It will probably be a complete cluster****, you will more than likely get bitten and it will be very unpleasant for all involved. Then, after all that, you will have to deal with the human.

    I have had to do this a couple of times( to stop dogs fighting) and have scars to prove it. It really is very upsetting.

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