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Thread: Rubbish on the Round

  1. #1
    Master MorganW's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Out and about - slow but steady

    Rubbish on the Round

    I was at Dunmail last weekend, at a time of day when only contenders and their supporters for the Bob Graham Round were present.

    The weather was a bit lively so I was in and out of the campervan rather than out enjoying the fresh air.

    At some point during the morning rubbish accumulated right next to and under the stile leading to the trod up Steel Fell. The attached picture doesn't quite do the situation justice. The white plastic bag was the size of a medium-sized bin liner and was packed with rubbish.

    2015-07-04 09.39.28.jpg

    The shame is that because of the weather and trying to catch a bit of kip, I can't be clear who was responsible for dumping this stuff.

    Ian Roberts collected all this rubbish and disposed of it in Keswick later that morning.

    If you bring rubbish into the mountains, take it away with you. Clean up after yourself. Don't leave it for others to sort out. Ensure your supporters are briefed accordingly.

    Anyone who treats the mountains in this way does not deserve to be a member of the Bob Graham 24 Hour Club, completed Round or not.
    The only one who can tell you "You can't" is you. And you don't have to listen.

  2. #2
    Senior Member The Navigator's Avatar
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    Good shout Morgan - and well done Rev. Roberts!

  3. #3
    Grandmaster IanDarkpeak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Navigator View Post
    Good shout Morgan - and well done Rev. Roberts!

  4. #4
    Master wheezing donkey's Avatar
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    According to a support team that was parked nearby, the empty bottles were ditched by a pair of blokes with Geordie accents who appeared to be doing the round unsupported ..... not that I would tar all Geordies with the same brush, I have some Geordie mates who are A1.
    I was a bit of an oddball until I was abducted by aliens; but I'm perfectly OK now!

  5. #5
    Just for the record......

    I was doing an unsupported round that morning, with a supply bag at Dunmail. I took the bag and all out of it and emptied the water bottle into mine. I'd planned to flatten and carry the carrier bag and empty bottle with me but was talking to a guy supporting another team and asked if he would be kind enough to take this from me to save the carry, which he kindly said yes to and did.

    I would never litter anywhere outdoors and am 100% against it, there is no need for it

    If anybody would like to talk to me about my actions then please feel free to contact me

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    clearing something up here the support crew that was supporting another runner was asked by the unsupported runners to clear away the gear as the unsupported runners had no where to put it im pretty sure if the unsupported runners knew it was going to be left after trusting these people then the mess would not have been there as not 100 meters along the road a mate of theres lives with a pretty big wheely bin

  7. #7
    Master MorganW's Avatar
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    Out and about - slow but steady
    This is a very simple subject.

    Your rubbish is your responsibility, no-one else's.

    You either dispose of rubbish properly or carry it with you until you can dispose of it correctly.

    Perhaps its time for some signs along the lines of those used by our Continental friends:

    The only one who can tell you "You can't" is you. And you don't have to listen.

  8. #8
    Senior Member stringman's Avatar
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    Full marks to the likes of Pudsey's Steve Bottomley who took a black binbag all the way round the BG route while on the succesful Pudsey group attempt a few years back. Dumped into the support vehicle at each road crossing. Obviously not all BG rubbish but the fells were cleaner once the group had passed over them. On a slightly different note... but still with regard to what BG contenders are leaving behind, i went onto Clough Head over the weekend by the walkers traverse above the quarries at St John's. From the summit, the BG route up the steep face is now a clear wide scar.
    Allan Greenwood - Calder Valley Fell Runners

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