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Thread: Milk = Latic acid

  1. #21
    Senior Member Vegan Runner's Avatar
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    Wakefield, W. Yorks
    Obviously I don't drink milk and I also never have lactic acid issues.

    It's more than likely down to not running hard enough though.

  2. #22
    Lactic acid is a nutrient component of milk . Some people feel gastric due to eating of milk. I have the problem.But, I like tea containing milk.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Adnan Khan's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Just ended up on this thread. I might be the only odd one on here who likes milk. (that's cows skimmed milk). I drink at least pint a day. Sometimes early morning or sometimes before going to bed. I even have carried milk on my long runs. Oh and when I did my bg I drank a pint on each leg, But I like my tea black with biccies though :-D Bit weird but thats just me ;-)

    Without upsetting anyone, I find all this soy milk, rice milk and almond milk has recently became more like a trendy thing (obviously not for lactose intolerants). It might be good for you but I prefer cooked rice, soy mince and raw almonds. :-D


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The leucine in milk is felt to have an important role in muscle development - sports dietitians are keen on it as a recovery drink - and in general.

  5. #25
    Member Mathew's Avatar
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    Oct 2014
    Lactic Acid build up happens naturally, from the body having to react quickly to a movement so to produce
    energy without oxygen. It's why it can burn the calfs bounding up hills.

    It also clears quickly, if you're recovering after a race you're not clearing the acid, you're clearing other toxins and repairing / building muscle.

    The only reason I use dairy and eggs is for the B12..

  6. #26
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegan Runner View Post
    Obviously I don't drink milk and I also never have lactic acid issues.

    It's more than likely down to not running hard enough though.
    Milk does not contain lactate so would not be a problem for anybody .
    If you have never been troubled by lactic acid issues you have never ran hard enough so your comments on the subject are a complete waste of time .
    Milk (cows) is The best known recovery drink apart from of course the very few who are lactose (milk sugar ) intolerant ...Children benefit best from full fat milk .
    Soya milk can be extremely bad for you is your friend ��

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