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Thread: Mormons Neuroma

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Applecross, Highlands, Scotland, UK

    Question Mormons Neuroma

    That should be Morton's...I am fairly sure I have one. Inconsistent, but really painful. Sometimes feels like a big splinter sticking through my foot and a bruise appears on the top of my foot! More often just feels like a marble stuck in the bottom of my shoe! Sometimes won't kick in until 6 or 8 miles, then I have to hobble for the next mile or so until it calms down a bit! Nearly always there in one form or another after a run. Anyone had any successful treatments/remedies?
    Last edited by orbitfish; 31-05-2016 at 11:53 PM. Reason: Mormons..!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Are you sure you do not have a stress fracture? Morton's will not cause bruising.

  3. #3
    Master IainR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by orbitfish View Post
    That should be Morton's...I am fairly sure I have one. Inconsistent, but really painful. Sometimes feels like a big splinter sticking through my foot and a bruise appears on the top of my foot! More often just feels like a marble stuck in the bottom of my shoe! Sometimes won't kick in until 6 or 8 miles, then I have to hobble for the next mile or so until it calms down a bit! Nearly always there in one form or another after a run. Anyone had any successful treatments/remedies?
    I wore a tighter shoe.. totally against all advice but what my physic suggested, a tighter shoe, forced the foot in an arch and released the pressure.. that and calf stretching.. worked well. No issues since.

  4. #4
    Master ydt's Avatar
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    A friend had an operation recently after struggling with Morton's neuroma for well over a year.

  5. #5
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    Applecross, Highlands, Scotland, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike T View Post
    Are you sure you do not have a stress fracture? Morton's will not cause bruising.
    Not sure I have Morton's, but I went to A & E when I was down near Edinburgh after getting this pain & bruising, got x-ray and no stress fracture. So, only thing I can think of is a neuroma, until I hear otherwise.

  6. #6
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    Early x-rays, meaning within the first 2 weeks, may not show a fracture even though one is present. I repeat, Morton's does not cause bruising.

  7. #7
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    Applecross, Highlands, Scotland, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike T View Post
    Early x-rays, meaning within the first 2 weeks, may not show a fracture even though one is present. I repeat, Morton's does not cause bruising.
    Thanks for the input...I hear you, but I have had X-rays, it is not a stress fracture, when I say I was in Edinburgh and got an X-ray done, this was after a few months of experiencing this intermittent pain (should've mentioned that earlier...oops &#128563
    So, it isn't a neuroma, but it often feels like a stone wedges between the 2nd and 3rd MTP joint (when walking) until I've been running for few miles then it (sometimes) turns into what feels like a big splinter and has caused bruising to come through to the top of my foot; sometimes doesn't!

  8. #8
    Master karen nash's Avatar
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    I have a similar issue. Consultant w confident it was a neuroma. Scan and MRI say it isn't. He now suggests capsulitis, like an inflammation of the joint with pressings on the nerves. Mainly my second toe, which is actually marginally the longest. Worst with tight toe box on shoes and much worse in stony track than mud. At times the pain is excruciating, at others just odd and annoying. Trying to stand on toes bare foot in a hard floor is not good. Seeing him again next week so we will see what he suggests and does

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Applecross, Highlands, Scotland, UK
    Look forward to hearing how you get on, I was so surprised that a pain in the bottom of my foot, could cause bruising on the top of my foot! I run in nothing but minimalist shoes, so it's definitely not a narrow toe box issue, but I could imagine that would just aggravate the problem. Any idea of a cure for capsulitis?

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    I had a Morton's neuroma last year. Actually I'd had it for quite a few years prior too but for those years it was an intermittant problem. I'd get extreme stabbing pain in my foot when running but it usually went away after a few weeks or a couple of months so I never did anything about it (except grimmace). I didn't even know what it was. However, Jan. 2015 it flared up again and instead of going away just got worse and worse so it was sometimes hurting just walking so after six months I decided it wasn't going to disappear of its own accord this time and opted for surgery. I wish I could say that had been a great cure but in reality it's only a partial improvement. I don't get the same stabbing pain anymore but do still get some stabs, now more in the end of the 4th toe. Most of the time it's not so acute and it has got less other time but it can still be pretty sharp at times. More bothersome is the frequent burning sensation around the surgery site and the nearly constant though dull pain when I stand still for more than a few minutes - my stork/flamingo impression has come along greatly (at the expense of pain in the opposite hip). This is far lower level pain but not low enough to be ignored completely and, a year on from surgery, I'm losing hope that it will simply settle down with time. I can't walk (without pain) bare foot anymore nor any moderate distance in hard-soled shoes and for some reason can't wear flip-flops which have a thong between the big and 2nd toe (even though that wasn't the site of the surgery). I used to wear them about 80% of the time, so it's been a bit of a nuisance finding alternatives.
    Having said all that, compared with how bad the stabbing pain had become before the surgery, I think the surgery has produced a decent trade-off, but it has not been the total solution I hoped for.
    So, bottom line: if it does turn out to be a neuroma., only opt for surgery as a desperate last measure (I did try steroid injection first but no effect) if the pain is really severe. Surgery gets rid of one problem but brings, or can bring, others.

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