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Thread: So... 2016 then?

  1. #1
    Master Travs's Avatar
    Join Date
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    NE Lakes/Coventry

    So... 2016 then?

    How did it go for you...

    Anything learnt? What was good, what wasn't? Best moment, worst moment, hardest race? Hopes/plans for 2017?

    For me, it was a massive learning curve. Before the turn of the year I hadn't ran further than 18 miles, but this year done 33 and 42 mile ultras, and had a bash at the hardest races (Welsh 1000, Wasdale, Buttermere, Borrowdale, Peris).... Massively improved at descending (nothing to shout about, I'd now class myself as average, rather than piss-poor), and seem to have learnt how to pace a race.

    Slightly underwhelmed by my results. I seemed to think that cruising into top half finishes like I was in 2015 in smaller races, I'd do the same in the big leagues, but apart from decent results at Marsden-Edale, and Welsh 1000m, I was well down in the 2nd half of the field. But really I was just expecting too much, the step up to the big Lake District races in terms of difficulty and standard of runners is huge.

    Best races for me were Peris (brutal), and honourable mentions to Borrowdale and Welsh 1000m which were both fantastic as well. As for Buttermere, see below, an epic, and lost and timed out at Wasdale so can't really comment...

    Hardest race... No doubt about it, Buttermere. Will never forget the despair I felt pretty much from Honister onwards...

    Worst moment... Not finishing the Stretton Skyline after building my hopes up for a flying run.

    Best moment was flying down the back of Snowdon during Peris after finally pacing a race correctly, Leaving several runners in my wake, feeling like a reasonable fell runner at last!

    Hopes for 2017.... Well I've joined my local club Coventry Godiva Harriers, so training regularly with much better runners, which I hope will help me improve. Also got Jura and the 10Peaks to look forward to, and no doubt a whole lot more to fit in as well.

    Finally like to wish all the people I've met this year from the forum, a happy xmas and new year. Some I speak to regularly, others it's just been a passing hello at a race... DaveMole, TrevorM, BillB, MarkClayton, IanDP, Tindersticks, Stolly, Edmond, Calvin... Hope i haven't missed anyone...

    Last edited by Travs; 24-12-2016 at 10:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Within sight of Leicestershire's Beacon Hill
    Quote Originally Posted by Travs View Post
    Anything learnt?
    I learnt some exercises to recover from Achilles tendinopathy . . .

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Bad year with my divorce and mum died.
    15st fat beer monster ��.

    Roll on 2017

    2st in 2 months bring it on ��

  4. #4
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    Stagger, it can be done. I havent been through anything like that, but I was 16 stone aged 28 when I decided to take sport seriously. If you can sort your diet and training out at the same time, the results can be huge. In the 6years since, I've become professional in one sport, and moved on to fell racing.

    I'm not one to look back with regrets, but if I hadn't 'wasted' half my life playing football to a crap standard I wonder what I might have been able to achieve. But at least with fell running there's heaps to look forward to, hopefully many years of enjoyment.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Thanks Trav, I want to be back and it's good post's like yours that will help.
    Merry Christmas �� Sir

  6. #6
    Super Moderator
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    Trev, you've got fit and run well before. You'll do it again. All the best for 2017
    Poacher turned game-keeper

  7. #7
    Senior Member wjb's Avatar
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    Early 2016:

    Started the year over 15 stone. Finished in the last 10 in a few fell races. Dropped out of 3 Peaks at Ribblehead and got timed out at Seatallan at Wasdale. Still 15 stone.

    Since August 2016:

    Lost 3 stone, now finishing in top 1/3 to top 1/4 of fell races. Training for 3 Peaks April 2017 and BG July 2017.

    There is hope!
    Last edited by wjb; 25-12-2016 at 09:41 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Covered 6,200Km with 132,072m of ascent so not a bad year for me

    Looking forward to 2017 and all the positive vibes from Stagger go for it in 2017 mate you and all of us know you can good luck
    The older I get the Faster I was

  9. #9
    Master that_fjell_guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnK View Post
    Covered 6,200Km with 132,072m of ascent so not a bad year for me

    Looking forward to 2017 and all the positive vibes from Stagger go for it in 2017 mate you and all of us know you can good luck
    I am, literally, in awe of those stats!! I was hoping to get up to 1000 miles and 150,000' ascent but had a bad December instead of a great December.

    Decent run at Bullock Smithy, bad run at Lakeland 100. Learnt I need to prepare, sleep-wise, better for L100. Sleep depravation doesn't aid a good time. On the upside I enjoyed L100 as I completed with Mrs tfg, running witrh her from Haweswater. For next year, more miles, more ascent, more cycling now the 'path forward' is clear of house moves etc!!
    I M Povey New Marske Harriers

  10. #10
    Senior Member CalFerguson's Avatar
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    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, Travs. Enjoyed a good chat at Up the Nab earlier in the season, although that ended up being possibly my worst race performance (both events not related, of course) and the start of a 3 month or so "blip" in my fitness and performances.

    Enjoyed a good year racing wise, must have surpassed 50 odd races for the season, slightly down on my 70 from last year but that was always the plan. Raced Snowdon, Ben Nevis and Scafell which I wanted to do and got myself on the King of the Mountains table, albeit about 15th out of 20, but I guess it's a small club to be a part of.

    2017 aims are to get my driving test done then I can get myself in the Lakes more often for both racing and training, along with a successful completion of the Yorkshire 3 Peaks. I'll have clocked about 1,250 miles with 190,000 ft+ for the year by Saturday...lower miles than I wanted but happy with the elevation gain as it works out at about 3,600ft per week - aiming for more next year!

    All the best, everyone

    Calvin Ferguson - Blackburn Harriers & AC

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