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Thread: Bradycardia

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Mar 2018


    Any one share my problem of bradycardia/sinus bradycardia. If so, how do you manage it and have you been recommended for a pacemaker.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Yep had that and irregular heart beat.

    Pacemaker was the only option.

    Resting HR was 56 to 60 but when running low went down to low 30s.

    Two spells in hospital and a 2nd opinion at Leeds GI and it was fitted in October 2015 i was 53 year old.

    8 weeks with no running and then the steady build up back to normal.

    No ill effects and a sensible thing to have done.

    Improves quality oy life and eradicated doubt.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Fit people can have a relatively low heart rate at rest - typically 40 per minute rather than 70 odd. Some go down to the 30s at complete rest - bed/watching TV. This is "healthy" bradycardia, but it can alarm some health professionals and will often set off audible alarms on for example heart and oxygen monitors. Paradoxically, in some people, a slow heart rate can permit a faster irregular rhythm to take over - atrial fibrillation - which can be more than a nuisance and require treatment up to and including a pacemaker.
    What symptoms do you have?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Chris K's Avatar
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    Schoey, Mike T has been very helpful on other cardiac related threads on here (and you'll see that there are quite a few with cardiac issues!), if you don't want to put other information out in public, perhaps send a pm to him? All the best.
    A circular route mostly downhill

  5. #5
    Grandmaster IanDarkpeak's Avatar
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    near the dark stuff
    Bin there, got the t shirt, had an ablation...

    Lots of heart related stuff here (once again the forum triumphs over FB)

  6. #6
    New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike T View Post
    Fit people can have a relatively low heart rate at rest - typically 40 per minute rather than 70 odd. Some go down to the 30s at complete rest - bed/watching TV. This is "healthy" bradycardia, but it can alarm some health professionals and will often set off audible alarms on for example heart and oxygen monitors. Paradoxically, in some people, a slow heart rate can permit a faster irregular rhythm to take over - atrial fibrillation - which can be more than a nuisance and require treatment up to and including a pacemaker.
    What symptoms do you have?
    Mike T Thanks for that. My heart rate can fall to 28. When racing!!! I need to manage things very carefully otherwise I become breathless and loss of energy. I also have ectopic heart beats which exacerbate the problem. Seems to be getting worse, but my specialist is reluctant to fit a pacemaker as it is not life threatening.Just turned 65 and not ready to pack in.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stagger View Post
    Yep had that and irregular heart beat.

    Pacemaker was the only option.

    Resting HR was 56 to 60 but when running low went down to low 30s.

    Two spells in hospital and a 2nd opinion at Leeds GI and it was fitted in October 2015 i was 53 year old.

    8 weeks with no running and then the steady build up back to normal.

    No ill effects and a sensible thing to have done.

    Improves quality oy life and eradicated doubt.
    Reassuring to know it can be treated and able to continue racing. Thanks.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schoey View Post
    Mike T Thanks for that. My heart rate can fall to 28. When racing!!! I need to manage things very carefully otherwise I become breathless and loss of energy. I also have ectopic heart beats which exacerbate the problem. Seems to be getting worse, but my specialist is reluctant to fit a pacemaker as it is not life threatening.Just turned 65 and not ready to pack in.
    28 when well into a race is a bit too slow I would have thought, certainly slow enough to make you feel it - different if it is in the first 30 seconds or so, before your system has had a chance to wake up. If it is in the first 30 seconds then a decent warm up should bring your heart rate up for runs/races.

    Some pacemakers are fitted as the underlying problem is life threatening - clearly not in your case - others are fitted because of symptoms of going too slow, and/or because they paradoxically end up too fast.

    Chat to your specialist about your symptoms - make sure he/she understands the importance of running in your life.

  9. #9
    Master Welsh Harrier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike T View Post
    Fit people can have a relatively low heart rate at rest - typically 40 per minute rather than 70 odd. Some go down to the 30s at complete rest - bed/watching TV. This is "healthy" bradycardia, but it can alarm some health professionals and will often set off audible alarms on for example heart and oxygen monitors. Paradoxically, in some people, a slow heart rate can permit a faster irregular rhythm to take over - atrial fibrillation - which can be more than a nuisance and require treatment up to and including a pacemaker.
    What symptoms do you have?
    This is exactly what has happened to me. I'm now 66 and have run around 600 fell races over the years, I've never been superquick but have been first in my age group from time to time. My resting heart rate is 39-41 ppm, my last fell race was the FRA relays at Llanberis, the following month I had an episode of atrial fibrillation that lasted for over 24 hours. I went to my GP who prescribed apixaban (a blood thinner to prevent stroke) and a beta blocker (which really slowed my running down). Since then I've been taken off the beta blocker, I've been prescribed flecainide (to take if I get further episodes of AF) and my cardiologist has said "keep on running!" Not confident about running up hills at the moment but road running seems to be going well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    I too have bradycardia.

    When I am very fit, my heart rate is in the upper 30's. Always been told it was an indicator of a strong heart.

    Never had any heart related episodes.

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