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Thread: Lone run: staying safe

  1. #1

    Question Lone run: staying safe

    Hi. I am trying to get back into my running but feeling timid as a good friend recently had a fall and spent many long hours alone and injured on the fells because she didn't have phone reception and her family thought she was visiting someone. Is there an app or forum where one can sign in before setting off on a run and sign out when back? I live alone so won't have anyone waiting for my return, and my nearest family members live some distance away so I wouldn't want to laden them with this responsibility.

  2. #2
    Master DrPatrickBarry's Avatar
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    Not really,

    If driving to the start of the run you could just leave a note on the dashboard saying due back at time X?

    Another option,

    Google calandar create an appointment that sends an email alert. You could set the alert to an hour or two after your expected return, and if you get back in time you just cancel the appointment. Otherwise it gets sent to somebody that can raise an alert.

  3. #3
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    Hi Kate...

    I can't really help with an app suggestion (i still record my training with pen and paper!)

    But i'd just recommend reducing the risks where possible... If you can let someone know, then do so. Carry a phone. You may be able to get a signal if the worst happens. A text can sometimes get though if a phone-call won't (another option for 'signing' in and out), and calls to emergency services usually get through... the one time i had to call 999 on the fells it got straight through. Take a map and compass even if you use a gps.

    I personally wouldn't let it stop me from going out into the hills alone. Usually safer than the city streets. In our club we had an incident make the newspaper where a lady member of my club group was followed by a masked man through Coventry, and i had a bit of an 'altercation' with a large group of teenagers one dark night on a club run through the streets.

  4. #4
    If driving to the start of the run you could just leave a note on the dashboard saying due back at time X?

    Another option,

    Google calandar create an appointment that sends an email alert. You could set the alert to an hour or two after your expected return, and if you get back in time you just cancel the appointment. Otherwise it gets sent to somebody that can raise an alert.

    Thank you for these useful suggestions. I live on the fells so usually simply head out from my back door, but will use the dashboard note idea when I drive further afield. And great idea using Google calendar in that way. Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Thank you for these useful suggestions, DrPatrickBarry. I live on the fells so usually simply head out from my back door, but will use the dashboard note idea when I drive further afield. And great idea using Google calendar in that way. Thanks again.

  6. #6
    Thanks for your prompt reply Travs. I agree with all you say, but good to be reminded about map and compass, even when I think I know the local fells so well. And yes; I too feel most safe when on the fells. I just don't want to be a numpty and end up wasting Mount rescue time or create family worries.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Travs View Post
    Hi Kate...

    I can't really help with an app suggestion (i still record my training with pen and paper!)

    But i'd just recommend reducing the risks where possible... If you can let someone know, then do so. Carry a phone. You may be able to get a signal if the worst happens. A text can sometimes get though if a phone-call won't (another option for 'signing' in and out), and calls to emergency services usually get through... the one time i had to call 999 on the fells it got straight through. Take a map and compass even if you use a gps.

    I personally wouldn't let it stop me from going out into the hills alone. Usually safer than the city streets. In our club we had an incident make the newspaper where a lady member of my club group was followed by a masked man through Coventry, and i had a bit of an 'altercation' with a large group of teenagers one dark night on a club run through the streets.
    "Altercation" Travs?

    Don't leave us dangling!
    Visibility good except in Hill Fog

  8. #8
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    Don't want to take over Kate's thread... but very quickly, i was heading back to the track after a club session on the roads, and was chased down the road by about 8 teenagers on bikes, apparently for committing the crime of looking at them. Long story short... i dished out a few threats of extreme violence in their direction, whilst grabbing the biggest one firmly by the throat, but wary of getting a knife stuck in me, i made a fairly swift exit.

    The poor lady who was followed by a masked man was on the face of it a lot more serious, and the story made the papers and i believe, Runners World.

  9. #9
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    Kate you are very fortunate to be able to run on the fells as and when you please!

  10. #10
    Senior Member William Clough's Avatar
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    Hi Kate, I think Travs has pretty much nailed it on the head. I am 99.999% sure that a 999 text will get through without a phone signal at least that is what our first aid tutor told us.

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