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Thread: Those were the days

  1. #31
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Manhar View Post
    The future-being on the start line 1 more time at the 3P's- not being timed out would be a bonus.
    same with me. and I do recall seeing you at some races from your old profile pic. I'll say hello next time before you disappear off in to the distance
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  2. #32
    Super Moderator
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    The Worth
    A blast from the past for me - I first met Manhar on top of Ingleborough at the PPP. I don’t remember Rob Jebb’s them dominance being threatened by our running but it’s always good to meet a friendly forumite
    Poacher turned game-keeper

  3. #33
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    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Flem View Post
    To be clear. The pair I'm referring to here are the pair who were continually suggesting that I had been posting under multiple aliases, despite my best efforts to point out, in what I hoped was a humorous way, how silly they were being. It was, of course, Oracle who started the suggestions. Paranoia and a compulsion to buy into conspiracy theories seems to dominate Oracle's thinking.
    I don’t do conspiracies. I do accept evidence of my own eyes. Graham’s aliases as he notes are fact. Infamous rather than legendary, he used to insult and obscure in equal measure, generally those who express substantiated points of view. Witton has been the butt on enough occasions to be wary.

    You would know it had you spent time here. He has had the grace to admit it in a rather roundabout way!

    I am sure the great man has now mellowed, but even his fingers must twitch at the thought of playing a swan song.( own up Graham) We had every reason to believe he had. He has form!

    So You turn up out of the blue with no apparent fell history, in conversation with Graham , about nothing to do with fells in similar pedant style. You actually like his post! Once bitten twice shy. We were right to be wary.

    I am beginning to regret an apology to someone who evidently lacks the social grace to reciprocate.

    As for grammatical issues , I have arthritic fingers. It is why I gave up golf in my twenties. It is hard enough to get text onto a phone at all, with size of keys, let alone correct spell corrected errors. It is generally better on a full keyboard, not a luxury I always have.
    Last edited by Oracle; 05-07-2020 at 06:57 PM.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Had some brilliant weekends in Fort William after the Ben.

    Still the best hill race in the British Isles.

  5. #35
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Stagger View Post
    Had some brilliant weekends in Fort William after the Ben.

    Still the best hill race in the British Isles.
    Have you done Jura?

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattPo View Post
    Have you done Jura?
    No, too far for me.

    I enjoy up and downs not distance.
    Last edited by Stagger; 05-07-2020 at 08:51 PM.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Derby Tup View Post
    A blast from the past for me - I first met Manhar on top of Ingleborough at the PPP. I don’t remember Rob Jebb’s them dominance being threatened by our running but it’s always good to meet a friendly forumite
    A car park at the foot of clough head I think, before a leg 2. Too long ago to give a date.

  8. #38
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    Yet more (unnecessary) proof that memory is unreliable. I've just looked online and found some old results from Auld Lang Syne. I read through the 1999 results and couldn't find my name. So I lied in my earlier post, I'm afraid. I could have sworn I ran it just before the 2000 celebrations. But, I looked some more and found that it was 1998 when I ran it. As I read down the list another name jumped out at me. One Graham Breeze. I wonder if that's the same Graham Breeze who posts on here? Modesty forbids me to say whether he was above me or below me in the list. (And we all know that age is just a number.)

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave_Mole View Post
    So: are you not me?
    Or not?
    Well, I didn't think I was you, but after reading Oracle's post, I'm really not sure of anything at all now. Up seems to be down, left seems to be right, and black seems to be white. I have no idea what reality is anymore.

    Alice had it lucky.

    ‘No, I shouldn’t,’ said Alice, surprised into contradicting her at last: ‘a hill can’t be a valley, you know. That would be nonsense — ’. ‘The Red Queen shook her head, ‘You may call it “nonsense” if you like,’ she said, ‘ but I’ve heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!’

    Lewis Carroll, Through The Looking-Glass And What Alice Found There

    ‘I can’t believe that!’ said Alice. ‘Can’t you?’ the Queen said in a pitying tone. ‘Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.’ Alice laughed. ‘There’s not use trying,’ she said: ‘one can’t believe impossible things.’ ‘I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.’

    Lewis Carroll, Through The Looking-Glass And What Alice Found There

    For, you see, so many out-of-the-way things had happened lately that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible.

    Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

  10. #40
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2020
    I've got it now. You're Sacha Baron Cohen, working on your new show. If not, then this is mind-blowingly incredible. In an earlier post on another thread I made a joke about my head exploding. Well, it's not a joke this time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
    So You turn up out of the blue with no apparent fell history,
    What!!!!! How was I supposed to make a first post? Write a formal letter of introduction to each member of the forum, detailing my fell running experience, and enclosing a photograph of myself certified by a solicitor, and asking permission to make a post? It's an internet forum for goodness' sake! Your arrogance and conceit are off the scale.

    We were right to be wary.
    What!!!!! What!!!! What!!! I mean, what!!! You were wrong. Not just a little bit wrong, nor even a lot wrong. You were completely, utterly, and hopelessly wrong. I know this must be a bit hard for you to take, given that you're always right about everything under the sun, but do, please, try to get this into your head. You were wrong. You know, the opposite of right. Wrong.

    I am beginning to regret an apology to someone who evidently lacks the social grace to reciprocate.
    I don't know where to start with this. I've just fallen off my chair. What have I got to apologise to you for? And where was this apology of yours? It's not an apology to say to someone, "I'm sorry I did what I did, but it wasn't my fault I did it, it was your fault. If you hadn't done what you did, or if you'd done something differently, I wouldn't have done what I did. So, I'm sorry that you did what you did, because that forced me to do what I did." That's not an apology. It really isn't. I mean, it really, really isn't. If you think it is then you're - you know - wrong. There actually wasn't any need for you to say anything. After all, there was no harm done to me - you two just made yourselves look rather silly. But a non-apology like yours is much, much worse than simply saying nothing. You were blaming me for your silliness.

    I did my best, in what I hoped was a humorous way, to make it clear to you that what the two of you were saying was silly. When I made the post saying the two of you were the Hercule Poirot and Captain Hastings of the Forum, I wasn't complimenting you on your analytical skills or detective capabilities in having identified me as having multiple aliases. I was saying "Look, you two, you're being really, really silly. There's nothing going on here for you to uncover. I am not Graham Breeze." And when I posted the Bob Dylan story (which, under the circumstances, I'd better make clear wasn't true in any respect whatsoever - at least, not as far as I know), I wasn't trying to make you think that I was Graham Breeze, I was saying "Look, you two, you're being really, really silly. There's nothing going on here for you to uncover. I am not Graham Breeze." And ...

    I won't be bothering to read any more of your posts. It's been stupid of me to carry on this long.

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