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Thread: Brexit

  1. #621
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noel View Post
    So UK salmon and beef will be cheaper for people in the UK then?

    And presumably things imported will get more expensive. Do I need to ready the household for a change from avocado to gravlax. The sacrifices we have a make...
    You don't need to worry about anything Noel.

    Of course the volumes would have been reduced a little all things being equal. I will now have a few EU customers who may chose to buy from one of my EU competitors so they don't need to worry about a customs charge.
    But by the same token I'll pick up UK customers who used to buy from EU suppliers, but also don't want to pay the customs charge.

    But there are 3 major factors at play in the figures that our friend Stolly has posted.

    1. Companies planning for January disruption. I filled my boots in November and December. I just took my first significant delivery of CO2 cylinders from Austria last week and my main supplier in Slovakia will be shipping a selection of parts to me next week - I normally buy every 4-6 weeks.
    My customers in the EU did similar. I emailed them all in the Autumn recommending that they avoid January. Most did.
    I know this was widespread.

    2. January disruption. There was some of course. Some are not used to the paperwork requirements. I am, and I still had problems with EU Customs.
    I had one package returned claiming I had used a tariff code that did not exist, but I've been shipping using that code for 6-7 years all over the world, and several other shipments went out that month using the same code.
    It went the second time - so a glitch at the EU customs end who had refused to clear it.
    Covid has also meant lots of short-staffed customs offices.

    Funnily enough, the worst place seems to be Ireland. Dublin customs were taking up to 4 weeks to clear goods. I assume that much of what comes in to Dublin is either through UK or pre-cleared in Rotterdam, so they were probably ill prepared.
    One of my customers were waiting for a search light, 6 weeks stuck in Dublin.

    3. Covid - it has affected shipments in several ways but clearly demand is down.

    I'm pretty sure we will see a big bounceback in February and March mainly due to the point 1, but also as point 2 seems to have been largely resolved.

    But because of point 3, and the situation in much of the EU at the moment, it could be 2022 before we can really judge what the effect has been.
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  2. #622
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    More pre-Brexit “scaremongering” that actually wasn’t then.....

  3. #623
    Moderator Mossdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fellbeast View Post
    More pre-Brexit “scaremongering” that actually wasn’t then.....
    I voted Remain. But the democratic referendum vote went the otherway - to Leave. What's done is done. We all need to get on with it now and make the very best of it as we can - together.

    So, let's now stop being negative people with negative views.
    Am Yisrael Chai

  4. #624
    Master molehill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mossdog View Post
    I voted Remain. But the democratic referendum vote went the otherway - to Leave. What's done is done. We all need to get on with it now and make the very best of it as we can - together.

    So, let's now stop being negative people with negative views.
    Word for word what you say. We can carry on blaming and talking ourselves into the mire, or move on, adapt and make a success in the long term.

  5. #625
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mossdog View Post
    I voted Remain. But the democratic referendum vote went the otherway - to Leave. What's done is done. We all need to get on with it now and make the very best of it as we can - together.

    So, let's now stop being negative people with negative views.
    The same here another that voted remain and I couldn`t agree more with you sentiments Moss Dog in fact given where we are now compared to Europe I am glad we are no longer part of it and am looking forward to the future
    The older I get the Faster I was

  6. #626
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    Obviously I’m bashing on, don’t get me wrong and what’s done is done, but I will never forgive or forget the lies and complete disregard for the obvious problems that brexit would and has caused. And the fact that so many major issues were completely disregarded and the whole campaign rested on a false promise to the NHS and Turkey joining the EU. And Nigel Farage somehow bringing Syrian refugees into to the mix

    But just shutting your eyes and carrying on won’t necessarily help. A great deal of shit has yet to hit the fan on this. Northern Ireland troubles, more popularity for Welsh independence and the actuality of what might be real Scottish Independence, I’m looking at you

  7. #627
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    I think that should extend to drones too.

    When I saw the thread title 'Today's droning' I thought it was going to be a rant about lawnmower noise, so I suspect some people started off on the wrong foot.

    I think, and hope, that if the thread was re-branded with the title 'Photography with a view', (or something similar), it would prompt members to view it favourably and post their own views and videos
    Haha nope that’s all water under the drone bridge now and I’m facing up to the reality of there no longer being a today’s droning thread

  8. #628
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    It seems like the best thing to do would be to close this thread
    I can do that
    Not sure I should though. I find it entertaining seeing Brian still bleating on
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  9. #629
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    While I don't want this thread to keep going, it's ironic that pre-brexit, all the predictions about what would happen were just that: predictions.

    Whereas now, we are in a better position to say whether Brexit was good or bad because we can actually see the results (albeit only the short-term ones for now).

    Having said that, people will always argue "yes, but that would/wouldn't have happened anyway". So as with most politics, it's all still opinion.

    That's my final word on the subject. Hopefully this thread will drift into oblivion along with the CL's and TH's ongoing discussion debate about a balanced portfolio vs the price of gold. I wonder how that tracker is looking today.

  10. #630
    Quote Originally Posted by noel View Post

    ...along with the CL's and TH's ongoing discussion debate about a balanced portfolio vs the price of gold.
    Surely now Bitcoin or Tesla shares?

    As for: "...whether Brexit was good or bad...we can actually see the results..."

    Not really. The UK departing from the EU has affected how the EU has behaved and now behaves. When we were a part we could counter-balance the inanities of idiots like Macron and with our departure he and Merkel et al are free to behave like idiots.

    I always thought our membership was one aspect of our assistance for developing countries.
    Last edited by Graham Breeze; 19-04-2021 at 03:18 PM.
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

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