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Thread: Today's Sally

  1. #31
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mossdog View Post
    Sorry if I'm stating the bloomin' obvious, but I've found that the type of floor covering (or none) that I'm pressing up from can give you a slight edge or not. I find carpets are to be avoided as there's too much slippage. Lino floors are OK if my hamds are a bit moist, say from washing them, but the best in my house are the slightly riven flag floors. They're good for a couple extra reps at least or a few more seconds of 'Sallying forth'
    Sounds good, thanks Mossdog. I'll give that a go next week.

  2. #32
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    1:58 yesterday. I'm feeling better about it now I've made my training more specific - two weeks of progress after 3 weeks of no progress despite my shoulders feeling bigger.

  3. #33
    Moderator Mossdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noel View Post
    1:58 yesterday. I'm feeling better about it now I've made my training more specific - two weeks of progress after 3 weeks of no progress despite my shoulders feeling bigger.
    That's some serious progress Noel - Yaaay!
    Am Yisrael Chai

  4. #34
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Thanks Mossdog. I just need to find an adventure race that part fell running part long-slow press-ups.

  5. #35
    Moderator Mossdog's Avatar
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    2 mins 31 secs - YEESSSS. But it wasn't very pretty, with lots of expletives and drooling whimpers that caused the dog (we're dog-sitting) to scarper out of the kitchen! My training for this marginal, but hard won improvement has been doing 100 press-ups a day for the last few months(in batches of generally 40, 20, 20, 10,10 - all in a 15-20 min 'window') quite deliberately slowly, with a distinct, but brief pause, on the chest down position. Can't see how I'm ever going to get to the end of song, but hey-ho.

    Related to this is Mosely's 'do just one thing' radio prog.looking at press-ups and squats in this episode Obviously, if I could simultaneously combine my Duolongo Spanish lessons with the press-ups regime I'd also boost my cognitive ability from near neanderthal to Stephen Hawkin level. In the programme Mosely talks about the importance of resistance training, as opposed to just aerobic exercise, such as running. Personally, I've always seen fellrunning (and any kind of up hill/mountain running) to be quite high resistance training compared to road running, as the former surely has some squats-like, endurance movements naturally incorporated into it. Mosely needs to don some mudclaws and on a cold wet windy winters day, as he's also get his 'just one thing cold shower' session in there too.
    Am Yisrael Chai

  6. #36
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Impressive stuff. More than 2:30 - that's another big milestone passed. Keep it up.

    Mrs Noel listened to this radio programme I think, and then told me about it. My 6-word summary of her 1 minute overview is: press-ups make you live longer.

    Now my back is largely mended, and given that my physio thought my "sally" training didn't contribute to the problem, I might get back on the "sally" wagon.

  7. #37
    I need to run more. southernsoftie's Avatar
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    Oooh...I'm intrigued! I did a 100 Press Up Challenge a few years back and started again last year, but got bored. This could be just the thing to lively it up.

    Just on the hitting a wall point, a break in the routine to attack in a different way may help. For instance, I am also working up a 50 Pull Up Challenge (something else I did a few years ago and picked up again during Lockdown 1.0). I've hit a bit of a plateau on a couple of occasions, so I step out of the volume work, and drop the reps, but using a weight belt, add a 20kg kettlebell increasing the rest between sets. A couple of weeks of this and jump back in to the volume reps with reduced rest and I can start picking my way forward again.
    Last edited by southernsoftie; 05-05-2021 at 03:09 PM.
    "The best shield is to accept the pain, then what can really destroy me?"

  8. #38
    Moderator Mossdog's Avatar
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    So, being totally unable to beat a max of 2 mins 31 secs, and struggling to get up to there again most often, I've changed my training routine.

    I've known for a long time that it's not the 'up' phase that beats me, but the 'down and hovering until the next up' period that's the killer. Having listened to the eccentric exercise episode of Mike Mosley's programme, I've incorporated really slow descending into the training mixture. Immediately, it has slashed the number of press-ups I can do in a rep by nearly half, so hopefully it's having some positive effect.

    I'll try the new regime for a few weeks, then I'll attempt the Sally Challenge again. Obviously, there's a race against time, as my old-git status means I'm on an inevitable downward slide anyway, but hopefully it'll give me the chance to thumb my nose at Geras
    Am Yisrael Chai

  9. #39
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Good luck. I fell of the sally wagon a while ago due to an injury that may or may not have been caused by it. Maybe I should start again, or the next time we try it, my daughter will beat me - she's been keeping up her gym sessions while I've just been running.

  10. #40
    Moderator Mossdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noel View Post
    Good luck. I fell of the sally wagon a while ago due to an injury that may or may not have been caused by it. Maybe I should start again, or the next time we try it, my daughter will beat me - she's been keeping up her gym sessions while I've just been running.
    Thanks Noel and very sorry to hear youve picked up an injury. Hope it's sorted soon.

    (Footnote...Ummm... just a thought. You do realise that by initiating this thread Mossdog accepts no liability for any injury or loss, psychological or physical, whatsoever, caused, or deemed to be caused, in the past, present or future, by participation in the aforementioned Sally-Up Challenge ).
    Am Yisrael Chai

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