Hi folks!

Long time fell runner, new forum member here, hoping to contribute to the discussion.

I wrote an article called 'The Fell Racing Ethic' for The Fellrunner, in which I explore what it is that gives fell racing its unique character; why that character is worth preserving; and what changes might threaten to undermine it. The article ended up being much too long to print, but Tory generously agreed to publish a series of excerpts from it in the Spring edition (135). I thought I would share the link to the full version on here, incase there is anyone who might be interested but who doesn't read 'The Fellrunner' cover to cover. This is also an audio version on the website for those who prefer listening to reading. I would be interested to see what discussion - if any - it might generate, but if you have critiques then kindly try and find time to read the full (online) version before making your case, as there may be things which spring to mind when reading the magazine version that I have addressed in depth in the full version.


