Chiropractor. He's one of my get-out-of-the-shit guys who i lean on for answers when i can't self-manage something; he is a far better musculoskeletal specialist than his job title suggests. Different people in my little black book of get-out-of-the-shit guys all approach a dysfunction in a different way, the Chiropractor looks at the potential for chains of problems trickling down from my bad back, and tries to connect any dots. The physio is predisposed to looking at things in isolation, and the Podiatrist starts at the feet and works upwards.
Things are beginning to release a bit now, all the muscle tension is reducing as a result of me not running and problem areas have begun to reveal themselves. Last night he confirmed that my Piriformis has shortened and that it is permanently holding my pelvis out of alignment, causing bursitis and excess loading down my ITB. Everything has to be reset to its correct length and condition of health, then i begin again.