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Thread: 3 DAYS (of Madness!?!) IN MAY

  1. #71
    Master GeoffB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New Mills - but usually on Kinder
    Just a reminder that this all kicks off again this evening.

    Hayfield May Queen - Friday 7.30pm
    Mount Famine - Saturday 11.00am
    Lantern Pike Dash - Sunday 11.00am

    All the details, as usual, here.

  2. #72
    Any idea of the (likely) kit requirements for tonight? Thanks

  3. #73
    Master DrPatrickBarry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Marple, Manchester
    I guess strictly speaking it should be the recommeneded FRA kit list, but for a such a short race...

  4. #74
    First of the 3 is Friday nights Hayfield May Queen.... sounds easy, it brings about visions of running through village streets lined with children throwing petals as we run past?

    Don't be fooled by the race name, it's fast and frantic!

    In homage to fell racing and the music of Queen, how many Queen song titles can you find in the following race report:

    At 6:30pm I'm the only one here," blimey this is going to be a quiet one " so I thought. Then as if by a kind of magic, an hour later 106 hardy souls are awaiting the start. The weather could be better but the show must go on and I want to break free and following the countdown we're off like a flash, straight away I'm feeling under pressure to keep up with the leaders. Once we hit the climbs I start to pick people off, one by one another one bites the dust. The final climb has me protesting at my legs, "come on legs play the game before I have a sheer heart attack". Phew, now I'm here, at the summit of Lantern Pike...Lantern Pike, you take my breath away. Now the fun begins, a chance to spread my wings on the descent, it's a miracle I don't take flight. My mudclaws save me from a tumble, don't stop me now...the bottom of the fell is in sight. On the final run in I can sense by people's body language that they're struggling...thankfully it's not just me then, it's a hard life. Thanks to Dave Soles for shouts of encouragement, his lads are quality runners showing father to son talent being inherited.

    We are the champions...step forward race winners Alasdair Campbell and Caitlin (Killer Queen) Rice.

    Many thanks to Mary and all her helpers.

    Finally with the song no point did I see any fat bottomed girls.

    Race 2 Mount Famine

    Feast or famine?

    If climbs are your thing followed by fast runnable descents, then you can certainly 'dine out' on Mount Famine....Mount Feast would be more fitting for this absolute belter of a race.

    I've done a fair few fell races and I can't recall one with a start like Mount a word, it's bonkers. We're all lined up at the foot of the woods awaiting the signal to charge. It's steep, blimey it's steep....littered with nettles, brambles, rabbit holes, tree-roots and fallen trees...sounds horrendous? It's not, it's bloody great...most unique start in fell racing?

    After the woods we descend only to climb again up the fell side. The reward is a fantastic ridge run along what's known as the dragons back..great name which is very fitting for this undulating section. When Mount Famine is finally reached the descent is brilliantly fast over good ground that demands you hammer it down. Trouble is, the last climb is experienced with drained legs...maybe less hammer on the descent next time. Great return back along the dragons back then fast? running on track to the finish....who'd have thought 5 miles could be so hard?

    Many thanks to Mark and helpers.
    Last edited by Tindersticks; 21-05-2016 at 06:49 PM.
    Darren Fishwick, Chorley.

  5. #75
    Master Luv Shack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Pheeeeeeeewieeeee....Survived Day 2 of the Madness :-)
    Really Great Running Up the "Front" & at the Back too...
    Very Well done to all who are taking part and those the make it all happen :-)
    Great to see a good bunch of the Usual Suspects & plenty of the Forum Crew enjoying the Madness!

    More than wet this eve below the Dragons Back :-o
    Famine & South Head are in & out of the cloud too...
    We were very lucky with the weather today :-)
    Nice to have a few cooling showers!

    So, hoping to see plenty of 3 Day'ers at the Lantern Pike Inn, in the Morn',
    For the really totally crazy Madness that is the Lantern Pike Dash!!!!!
    Plus SteveT has very kindly posted results of the first 2 Days of Madness...
    Can be found here

    See you in the Morn'......if I can walk that is
    PS - Hope you can make it Darren
    Last edited by Luv Shack; 21-05-2016 at 08:03 PM. Reason: PS
    Miss Muddy Paws Dad....
    Not clever & often stupid..

  6. #76
    Lantern Pike Dash: 3rd and final race in the '3 Days in May' fell race series.

    From the start line the entire race route can pretty much be seen. It's one of them manic straight up, straight down as fast as your legs, lungs and general wellbeing allows you. There are a few obstacles along the way in the form of a stream crossing and a couple of stiles....they're the only rest you get. Races like this really hurt, especially when it's off the back of the 2 pervious race days....but we love it don't we?

    Thanks to Richard and his helpers, you even sorted the weather for us.

    Really enjoyed my weekend in and around Hayfield.....Great races, lovely area and smashing company....beltin.

    Just to round off the weekend nicely I nipped over to Meltham for the 2:30pm West Nab. I'd highly recommend this race, but maybe after a quieter weekend.
    Darren Fishwick, Chorley.

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Over Haddon
    Only 1 day of May Madness for me at the Hayfield May Queen race yesterday evening. Only 3 miles and 750 feet of ascent but apart from a quarter of a mile tarmac at the start and finish the rest was either up or down on very technical, rutted tree root strewn paths or narrow heathery trods where the potential for a tumble always present.

    Just 84 entrants on a warm and humid evening the race was won by Caleb Winfield of Pennine FR in 19:58. I was 16th and first M60 in 26:45 just 6 seconds behind my pal and first lady Joanne Mosley.

    An enjoyable evening race and it was good to chat to Dr Carlos who was looking resplendent in his dayglow orange Aston Villa shorts!
    Visibility good except in Hill Fog

  8. #78
    Master PeteS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Live in Brum, run in Worcestershire and Shropshire
    Well we watched the start so must have seen you before we headed to the packhorse for a pint. Great result again.
    I'm not up to 2 runs in a week let alone 3 in a weekend but managed Mount Famine this morning.
    Pete Shakespeare - U/A

    Going downhill fast

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