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Thread: PAPOOSES - 2 WANTED.. + advice

  1. #1
    Master Luv Shack's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    PAPOOSES - 2 WANTED.. + advice

    Papooses – I’m after a couple, suitable for wee bairns aged 3 months upwards, the sort that would be OK for hill-walking…… If there is anyone out there who can help… 2nd Hand would be great, if not some good advice for Santa’s Little Helper would be very handy…
    Please pm if you can help….
    Miss Muddy Paws Dad....
    Not clever & often stupid..

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    North Yorkshire - N of York

    Re: PAPOOSES - 2 WANTED.. + ad

    Advice on papooses:

    1. use a front sling until they are about 5 or 6 months old. They can't hold their head well enough until then.
    2. go for the best backpack you can!

    We have a "Baby Bjorn" front sling, which is fab until about 6 months. Baby can be held facing inwards (for newborn) or outwards (when they are a little older and want to see where they are going).

    Rucksack type papoose is the way to go. You can transport baby from 5 months or so, up to 2 yrs+ (depends on whether your back can cope with the weight really).

    General advice: think heavy rucksack. Think thick padding. Think decent waistbelt. Think cheststrap. Think padded bits for the baby. Think storage for nappies, wipes, etc. Think cagoule for baby.

    That rather narrows the field down a little, and keeps the cost up!

    Our Baby Bjorn was second hand (£15) - they are £50 new. Expensive, but they last.
    Our papoose was about £120 - the Bush Baby. We also bought a "cagoule" thing that fits over the baby's head & torso / arms, but then over the papoose as a sort of rucksack cover. It's great, even in driving rain.
    Get a large golf umbrella. If you hold it close down to your head then it keeps the baby nice and dry. They will try and hold on to the metal spars, so make sure the brolly doesn't have too many sharp bits on the folding mechanism.
    Also get a neck brace. They will fall fast asleep in the papoose- it's like putting them in the car- so need to support the neck when dozing.

    Recommendations: I was told to go for the MacPac: still the daddy of papooses. We went for the Bush Baby instead, as that was what the shop had (Fishers in Keswick), and daughter fell asleep in it when trying them out in the shop. We left her in it and carried her home...

    I know these items are expensive, but they last. We're on our 4th child and just about to move our 4.5 month old into the backpack.
    If you skimp then you and the baby will suffer. A poorly-padded backpack will hurt you if carrying for any length of time, and you want the baby to be as comfortable as possible.

    We bought a sun visor thingy but never used it...

  3. #3

    Re: PAPOOSES - 2 WANTED.. + ad

    I've a back pack - Black one - barely used in excellent nick, was gonna stick it on ebay.

    PM me if your intersted I'll take a photo and sent it you

  4. #4
    Master Luv Shack's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: PAPOOSES - 2 WANTED.. + ad

    Thanks Basil & Emmilou,
    Much appreciated, ditto PM from Joe with excellent advice (Mac Pac Man!)!
    (When my kids were tots we got many miles of good service from a couple of Karrimor carriers.... those have since long gone AWOL!
    I'll pm you Emmilou, I'm sure we can do a deal...
    Miss Muddy Paws Dad....
    Not clever & often stupid..

  5. #5
    Master XRunner's Avatar
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    Re: PAPOOSES - 2 WANTED.. + ad

    Quote Originally Posted by Luv Shack View Post
    When my kids were tots we got many miles of good service from a couple of Karrimor carriers.... they have since long gone AWOL!.
    What! Have the kids gone AWOL?
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  6. #6
    Master (notsomuchofa)Fellrunner's Avatar
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    Re: PAPOOSES - 2 WANTED.. + ad

    We had a Karrimor one that was used for both of ours & was still going strong when my wife gave it away. If I was buying another one -Please God No More- I'd spend a bit more cash & get one with legs that swing out to make the papoose stable when not in use as the nippers used to fall asleep in them & I could just put the papoose on the deck & not disturb the nipper after a walk.

    I wouldn't bother with the sunshade or big accesories bag, but the rain-cover's are well worth getting.
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  7. #7
    Master Luv Shack's Avatar
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    Re: PAPOOSES - 2 WANTED.. + ad

    Quote Originally Posted by XRunner View Post
    What! Have the kids gone AWOL?
    No, the "little" boggers have come back with their own kids!!!

    (ps thanks Fellrunner for timely advice!)
    Miss Muddy Paws Dad....
    Not clever & often stupid..

  8. #8
    Master wheezing donkey's Avatar
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    Re: PAPOOSES - 2 WANTED.. + ad

    Andie, Bush Baby are / were imported by Calange - just down the road from you in Stockport - they do / did direct mail order with the public. Just 'google' "Calange Performance Clothing"

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