Quote Originally Posted by wheezing donkey View Post
Hi Martyn,
I can't give you a review; but it is certainly a book that I would like to read, as 1983 was my first year of running on the fells and I competed at the final championship round of the season, Thieveley Pike, albeit finishing some 12 minutes or so behind Kenny Stuart.
Up to that point, Kenny and John Wild had been on equal points in the championship ..... not that I ran in any other of the rounds; Thieveley just happened to be a handy, relatively local race.
After the presentation, it seemed quite innocuous seeing our new champion driving away in his 'bog standard' old, beige 850 Mini ...... proper grass roots.

A month or so before Thieveley I ran in the now defunct Downham fell race on Pendle, when much to the RO's (Alistair Patten?) amazement, John Wild rocked up out of the blue and blitzed the course record with an amazing display of front running. His time probably still stands ( if the race were to be resurrected ). Maybe some C-le-M diehard could confirm that?

Ian Roberts.

P.S. Not knocking the author, but I did find his "It's A Hill, Get Over It" somewhat difficult to 'get into' and did not complete it.
Thanks Ian. I also found "It's a Hill" a bit of a grind. I managed to get about halfway through "The Round" before I had to put it down, so you'll understand why I hesitated without some learned recommendations