Quote Originally Posted by Fozzy42 View Post
Been struggling with this for several months now, was hoping it would eventually repair itself if I did plenty of stretching and cut back on my running a bit(about half my usual weekly mileage) Had physio but seemed to have had no positive results, just seems to be always there, especially sore the day after a long run, getting no better whatsoever though. The final straw was a friend saw me out running and later asked me if I was struggling 'cos I seemed to be running with a bit of a limp, I didn't even realise this, I could feel the injury but thought I was running ok, time to listen to my body I think, so might just have to take some out from running altogether.
The annoying thing is I didn't initially get this injury from running, it was playing 5 aside football, seem to have overstretched for the ball somewhat. Could kick myself now.
Have taken ibuprofen tablets several times, seems fine after this, but obviously its just masking the injury.
I don't think there's much physiotherapy can do for this, only that you can get a solid diagnosis from the therapist and not the assumptions of a GP. What you need is the right stretches to stop whatever's gone from healing up shorter than before. If it's muscle damage you'll only be looking at a short lay-off, but if you've damaged the collagen that connects muscle to bone be prepared for up to 4 months off. If you try and get back too soon you'll just screw it up again and end up back where you started.