Quote Originally Posted by Stolly View Post
First off next week can't be as bad as Friday anyway and the chances are that any weather will be better than we had. That said if it was that bad, they'd definitely change the route I think; Snake Pass would have been inaccessible to the food stop checkpoint team by car wouldn't it and I doubt that they'd have fancied placing checkpoint teams at Swain's Head, Bleaklow Stones and at Wainstones... assuming the teams could've even got up there.
You're right on all counts Stolly. If conditions are as bad as described we would use a shorter route. Its a matter of time as much as anything. Really can't have teams taking 20hrs. It's not you lot I am worried about anyway but the students camping up there ( or at least their parents and University if one ends up in hospital). We could run the full route but with less checkpoints- after all we do have a lot of CPs. But that decision would be questioned at an inquest. Hopefully things will have improved by Friday . We will make a last minute decision and I may call some of you for an opinion if that's ok.