[QUOTE=Mike T;425489]
Quote Originally Posted by Marvin View Post
The swelling originated from where I was stung, but much more extreme than I've ever experienced with a sting, BP checked many times and varied a bit, but OK. A bit of wheezing, but not serious. It was an allergic reaction rather than anaphylaxis. I think the they were worried about my airway being compromised given the proximity of the swelling.

Do you normally wheeze? Was the wheeze louder breathing out or breathing in? This is important as if this was in fact mild anaphylaxis then it may be worse the next time you are stung, and you may need to carry your own supply of adrenaline.
That's interesting Mike. I was aware that allergic reactions could be more severe with subsequent triggers, but didn't know that anaphylaxis could develop in the same way.

The paramedic's report says "Airway - self maintained - no airway compromise throughout. Breathing - rate 12 per minute regular. Slight bilateral lower lobe inspiratory wheeze - otherwise N.A.D. Sats on air 97% throughout."

I have exercise-induced asthma, and had a period of about a month earlier this year when I was experiencing asthma attacks without the exercise and I now use a brown inhaler (light brown, 1 puff twice a day - can't remember what dose that is) which brought the asthma under control. I wasn't aware of the wheeze - the paramedic listened to it with a stethoscope.