Quote Originally Posted by Welsh Harrier View Post
Good call by Ross - quite a few went for a run, we got just short of Carnedd Dafydd and found it a struggle to stay upright. We met several others who'd been out and all agreed that it had made sense to call it off. The choice to pull the plug sounded like it was taken after marshals had already been on the mountain - these are experienced runners themselves and they wouldn't take a decision like this lightly.
Welsh Harrier I think it was myself and some other Pennine runners you bumped into. After just reaching 400-600 metres on our little trot it was pretty clear the organiser had made the right decision. The wind was buffeting us strongly there so god knows what it would have been like on an exposed ridge 1000 metres high. It was also very cold - I'm still not warm and I've been in a car for a few hours.

I feel for the organiser, having to cancel after putting all that work in puts our journey from Manchester to shame. Ill be back next year in better weather hopefully it looks like a cracking race.