
You are right that a solo BG wouldn't be that hard to organise with plenty of Road crossings, I did much of the Paddy solo for the reasons you outline, though as the weather crapped out and night descended I really needed the support (I got) on the last leg.

Solo Ramsay's are different, as there is only one easy access point, you either need to carry a vast amount of food or put down some food drops which is a big logistically effort, I am in the process of doing this! And I would like to have some support on the final section, as when you are tired the emotional support of another person makes a big difference to me.

Maybe The Question should have been what do people want the Club to be? Without access to the stats, how many people just see the BG as a challenge to "tick off" then move on, rather than it being more of a community where people continue to have a special relationship with the Round and help others "on the shoulders of giants" to achieve something amazing; I think soloists probably end up having more of a "relationship" with the Round than many who "tick the boxes" (and move onto the next big goal); maybe The Club should have a questionnaire? Organisations that dont evolve typically become irrelevant at an earlier point, so defending BG Club tradition may not be in the Clubs best interest.
