I bought some panels about 10 years ago. At the time it was a 'no-brainer-investment' for those who had the spare cash and it seemed then that this was the right thing to do environmentally. I'm less sure now about the environmental benefit.
You might have heard of Michael Moore's 'free' Youtube film, which was initially censored at the insistence of a range of left-leaning/Extinction Rebellion pressure groups, but seems to have been reinstated again. Here's a shorter version of it if you're interested.
It remains highly controversial, like Michael Moore himself,and has majorly upset the Green Industry, but provides some food for thought, especially if you're thinking of investing in green tech. It'll be of no interest to you if your hold to the view that the whole issue is some grand conspiracy and the world is essentially just going through natural cycles of climate change.
Up here in the north of England we also have our own 'controversial' character, an academic called Jem Bendel, based at the University of Cumbria, whose ideas are being hotly debated globally at present (no pun intended
) See for example :
Blendell's view is that it's too late and we're certain to have near term climate disaster, so we'd better get to thinking about the fall out (those of us who are still alive) and how we're going to at least cope with the emotional impact of the tragedy. All a bit 'the end is nigh', so not easy listening to, or to read regarding his paper on Deep Adaptation.