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Thread: Decline the jab

  1. #271
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mossdog View Post
    I find it very difficult to navigate between sources of information which imply that we shouldn't worry our little heads and rest assured that the pharmaceutical companies have our best interests at heart, and the other extreme of some rabid, swivelled eyed anti-vaxxers and they supporters claiming an evil global conspiracy.
    I don't struggle with that MD. I tend to avoid the likes of Delingpole over here and Alex Jones in the US and I might be doing them a disservice, but the bits I've seen they are a bit OTT for me.

    But when an MP stands up and asks a minister about the current excess death situation (a few have) and the ministers knock it back with a nothing to see hear reply, it's no wonder some people are getting quite agitated.
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  2. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witton Park View Post
    I'd just make a couple of points Anthony.

    Firstly that there was never a lockdown policy in the pandemic plan for a respiratory virus. This was done out of panic and as many said bad judgement and that may be the root of some young deaths now due to knock on mental health issues.
    One of my own daughters was in her last year of PhD Clinical Psychology attached to Lancaster Uni, on placement in the NHS 2 days a week and it knocked her for six. She was living with us, but no job, no teaching, and no contact with anyone.
    Would you lot want to be in lockdown with me?
    When the country unlocked, her education and teaching didn't. It was over a year before she could re-start her placement and her teaching never did go back to campus.

    But I'd say there is a suggestion that the continuing excess deaths are more directly to do with covid or the covid vaccinations.
    In fact often in other places if I make an assertion about the side effects of the vaccine, I am told at times by clinicians that it is actually covid, not the vaccines that is the issue.
    The symptoms causing the problems are caused by covid.
    So yes, several pro vaccine clinicians including some high profile ones who believe in the vaccine, blame covid for the rise in excess deaths in all ages post pandemic.
    It may have merit, but I suspect it's more of an emotional response than rooted in reality.
    I say that because I have seen some analysis, looking at the excess death figures around the world, and also analysis of US insurance claims for death and critical illness.
    These claims started to tick up in the middle of 2021.
    Had it been earlier one could say it might be covid.
    But the increase correlates to the vaccine roll out.

    Proof - no. I accept that. But I find an analyst called Ed Dowd quite credible and Ed puts it like this. In analytical terms the uptick is a 1 in 200 year event and it correlates to vaccine roll out rather than covid pandemic. So he will assert it is the vaccine unless someone can convince him otherwise as there is no other factor that fits tthe timeline and is relevant to the countries affected.

    Ed Dowd's book is "Cause Unknown"

    and when I see or hear "There is no evidence that......"

    I'm sorry, but there is evidence and it is being ignored. I might be wrong, but why isn't this getting more airtime rather than just "blah, blah, blah.... your wrong!"
    You will not be surprised to learn that some disagree with Dowd:

  3. #273
    Quote Originally Posted by Llani Boy View Post
    I seem to get 3 of what you post other than your Todays Sally thread!
    Then you are truly blessed because I think everything Mossdog posts is worth reading three times.
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  4. #274
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike T View Post
    You will not be surprised to learn that some disagree with Dowd:
    No not surprised Mike.

    The fact-checking is heavy on statements and smear and light on any data as is often the case.

    Take the opening comment.
    "COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of death from the disease, including in young adults."

    It's a nothing statement except I should say "I bloody well hope so"

    Note "risk of death from the disease" but there's two sides of the equation,

    However lets just look at the one side.
    See link.
    In the UK the numbers needed to vaccinate was buried in an appendix to a wider report which I believe was the pre-cursor to the vaccination being withdrawn from general availability.

    In some age categories they calculated that even vaccinating the whole population would not save a hospitalisation - not death - just hospitalisation.

    So just how does vaccination reduce the risk of death from the disease in young adults? Well a factchecker made the statement so it must be correct.

    What of the risk of the vaccine? That's the point being made. But this form of response is just deception masquerading as honest brokering.

    I can go on, but I won't for the sake of everyone's sanity.
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  5. #275
    Member garymcmahon's Avatar
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    Now, 19 months later. The reasons for avoiding this gene therapy are clearer. The harm I have seen done by this treatment, to my own family, is heartbreaking. I did not take it, and as an old person, I have not been ill throughout this 'lockdown period', except for the constant worry for friends and family.

  6. #276
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    In medicine, any intervention has a risk to be balanced against the benefit. In the heat of the epidemic, I don't think there was any reasonable doubt that the benefit of the vaccine heavily outweighed the risk. Death rates in hospitals and care homes were witness to that.
    As time has passed, it seems the risk/benefit equation is tilting towards risk. I have seen this in patients myself. I have decided against a booster this year (I routinely decline the flu jab for similar reasons). I got covid 2 weeks ago. Nasty laryngitis and a short lived fever. But nothing unusual compared to previous viral infections I always seem to pick up this time of year.
    Simon Blease

  7. #277
    Moderator Mossdog's Avatar
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    Top U.S. Government Vaccine Adviser Refuses to Get Latest Covid Shot as He Warns of Long Term Impact of Myocarditis
    Am Yisrael Chai

  8. #278
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    Deaths - vaccinated vs unvaccinated:

    I think she is excellent - no doubt some will differ.

  9. #279
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike T View Post
    Deaths - vaccinated vs unvaccinated:

    I think she is excellent - no doubt some will differ.
    I'm a few minutes in Mike. What is it you like about her that is excellent, because so far, by her own definition, I think I could describe this lady as an anti-vaxxer.
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  10. #280
    Senior Member Marco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike T View Post
    Deaths - vaccinated vs unvaccinated:

    I think she is excellent - no doubt some will differ.

    I stopped watching at 7 mins 30 secs in, when she said that non-Covid-19 deaths had been consistently higher in unvaccinated people throughout, when the ONS figures say otherwise.

    If you look at the ONS spreadsheet I posted on the 11th September 2023, you will see there were 1416 non-Covid-19 deaths for unvaccinated people and 35304 for vaccinated people in May 2022. This shows that 3.8562 percent of deaths were for unvaccinated people, and 96.1438 for vaccinated.

    If 88 percent of people have been vaccinated, as we have been let to believe, then the figures should have been 12 percent to 88 percent. But they weren't, and in this month non-Covid-19 deaths were lower in the unvaccinated group.

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